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Kan Wipakorn complains about the COVID this time.

Kan Wipakorn complains about the COVID this time.

COVID-19 is coming around Kan Wipakorn Sukphimai Worse than before Not to be told in time Both jobs were postponed and canceled, losing more than 10 million baht. Eve Apisanya Another ex-wife of Sek Loso

Pee Sek’s work was canceled for a long time. How are you doing? “Now you lost your job P’Sek and P’Nie do not know what to do. Do you have anything to do? (Laughs) Really. “
How many jobs? “Oh, a lot, about 10 million baht, that is, take it to sit, add, subtract, multiply, divide, why is it not going to go for another month?
During the past countdown, it was hit at all? “I got it, hit it full, and didn’t set himself up as well Not like the last time, still enough to set himself up This draw has both been canceled and postponed, but I don’t know when I will play again. Because the COVID current is going to be heavier than the last time? “
This month or next month as well? “Brother’s hit until February Is this month without work Let’s go to work (laughs). Brother Sek him, no matter what. Because elder said that you don’t have to worry A lot of money in the Karn account (laughs).
We can feed him for sure? “Can raise (laughs) Husband and wife, he doesn’t say they raise each other He must be together It’s money too Have registered their marriage already “

Is he stressed? Utsa comes back to play concerts? “I’m stressed, but Kan said, don’t worry, chill. Now he has started well and has begun to worship monks for 3 days. The previous time was hit for 5 months than he came back to play for 3 months. ) “
How do you prepare for the future? If long until the end of the year? “We don’t know how to handle it. Because we cook Do not sell dessert. I don’t know what to do Must use old money
Is this afraid of the effects of his illness? “No, he’s better now because he didn’t believe it before. Kan said that worshiping monks together He had been meditating for 3 days and he said it was clear. Normal, not stressful And Kan told me that last night I had a lot of money in my account So we chill out (laugh) ”

Meditation: Did P’Kan tell him to sit, or did he sit by himself?? “He sat by himself. I still can’t sit at all. But the elder took him to worship and he wanted to pay respect In the past, it was as if I wanted to pay homage to you. But he came to pay respect to the extent that the pebbles of water would be taken into the trees. He also asked to take it down as well. Which is like he thought about this side is good. “
Show that it’s a merit-type lover already? “Not that step. But it means that right now it’s during this time, otherwise I’m distracted. If something is not fair, what will you enter? Can’t go to a pub (laughs), there’s only one way, but it’s good. Read that story and this story. “

So now Pee Sek’s symptoms have improved? “Better. At first, I was stressed that I would say that he didn’t go to the concert, he died. He would be stressed and afraid But this time, he relaxes. “
Update on the case with Sandwich, How is Paphada? “That one is over. Right now, the only one left is Live, asking if you’re bored with going to court. Can be continued (laughs) “
Saw the post that paid the fine to chill? “Yes, chill about what? Who will take the money to? Will come to negotiate for money Kan not giving you Karn to the government What does the court give? Because we grow up often. We have to have the court take care of the place (laughs) “
Did you sue and pay the fine? “Pay a fine to the court Did not pay him because Kan had already announced that Kan did not pay him Karn will allow the government to give the court to develop the country “
But brother Eve is not satisfied? “Not satisfied with what his story has to do with you He will appeal and appeal. I still appeal. “
That is, must meet each other every time? “It’s up to him Appointment again. This month, if I remember correctly, I will fight like every case. Honestly, you won’t get stuck in jail or anything, no trick at all. But don’t expect 7 million money anymore because you don’t give. “Eve was sold and went to cheat him. Pee Kan, what do you think about this? “I don’t know about it. What did you tell me that you really only knew about yourself Emmy, I didn’t even know what news he had before. “

After the case of Eve is finished, our life will be bright and come back as Kan, the same lover? “It wouldn’t be bright if it was COVID like this. I would die. Then there were hundreds of Loso families, sisters, wives, children, parents, the main income of the Loso family. And all staff members are from the concert And was finished like this “
In the case of your child’s school Are you all prepared? “Haven’t cleared all yet, haven’t gone to school yet. I talk normally, but the old story is not talked about, but talked normally like I forgot something like this Regarding tuition fees, it’s normal. But now it’s closed. “
Shows that after that there is no further event? “No, he takes good care of it too, not releasing the same. We are not attracted to anything. “
Did not sue the school director? “Kan says he is taking care of London now very well. Kan thinks that it’s okay. I’m satisfied. “

Thank you picture from AIG. : eve_apissaya, wiphakorn15

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