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Justice: The investigation advances on the drama of the CHUV – News Vaud & Regions: Lausanne & Region

The investigation into the CHUV drama which saw the young Rute and her baby die in late June 2016 will know this Monday an important stage: Zymer Hadergjonaj, who lost both his wife and his daughter Lizéa about to be born, will finally be heard by the courts. In addition, with the other hearings before the prosecutor this week, the circle of those responsible for the criminal drama is now likely to widen.

As a reminder, two years after the tragedy, “24hours” revealed that expert reports ordered by the courts had drawn up a very long list of serious breaches of the rules of the art (read box): CHUV professionals have multiplied the errors, without realizing that Rute was in a very serious state when he arrived.

Now the latest expert, infectious disease specialist, also underlines the medical errors committed the day the drama broke out. He also pointed to faulty care two days earlier, where Rute also went to the CHUV. So that, beyond the sum of the breaches committed on June 23 and 24, justice must now deal with those of June 21.

A series of dramatic events

As soon as the tragedy occurred, eyes turned to the nurse who had accidentally extubated Rute, already very badly damaged with several organs damaged by the rare toxin-producing bacteria which had attacked him, the group A streptococcus (Streptococcus pyogenes). But this unfortunate manipulation was just the latest catastrophe in a series of events that would most likely have led to the death of the young woman. As the infectious diseases expert writes: once the “inflammatory storm” has started, “it is rare that one can stop it, despite the infusion of effective antibiotics. It’s before we have to act, when we still have time. ”

At this stage of the investigation, the crucial question therefore becomes: if, on June 23, the bacteria had already been disseminated in his blood with the consequence that the probabilities were very high that Rute would die whatever happens, is it that the deal could have been changed two days earlier?

No exam or smear

On June 21, 2016, Rute’s gynecologist sent her to the CHUV for suspected gestosis (a disease causing hypertension, dangerous for the baby). Problem: while Rute had obviously complained of a sore throat, the doctor probably did not even look at the back of his mouth, as the infectiologist points out in several places. Which is categorical: an ENT examination and a smear for strep throat (read box) were essential, “not to do it is a mistake”.

The streptococcus was already in Rute’s throat on June 21, at 70% likelihood. If a smear had been done, it would probably have highlighted it, allowing the prescription of antibiotics. If these drugs had been given at that time, the young woman would have had an 80 to 90% chance of surviving.

Lightning damage

Whereas, on the morning of the 23rd, when he arrived at the CHUV, his chances were drastically reduced: once the bacteria in the blood, “mortality is very high and reaches between 30 and 60%, often whatever the treatment “, Underlines the expert. The progression and the damage are staggering: according to scientific studies, mortality increases by about 7% for each hour lost without effective antibiotic therapy. “The evolution is probably even more dramatically faster with SGA than with many other bacteria,” added the expert.

When did the bacteria spread to Rute’s body? What fault was it most likely to bring about the fatal consequence for the young woman? The criminal focus is currently shifting from accidental extubation to the first acts well before the drama. The legal battle to come will undoubtedly take place on the odds of survival. Indeed, for a criminal responsibility to be engaged, faults, even serious, are not sufficient. “We still have to establish a causal link between these faulty behaviors and death,” recalls MeJean-Marc Courvoisier, lawyer for Zymer Hadergjonaj.

Certainty required

While Rute’s condition did not seem hopeless, in the eyes of her husband, when she arrived at CHUV on June 23, she was probably more than half the risk of dying, a huge percentage. “Humanly, there was still a lot of hope to save her. But legally it will have to be established with a degree of probability which confines to the certainty that, if the management of Rute had been in accordance with the rules of the art, Rute would have survived “, details MeCourvoisier.

Three and a half years have passed, but Zymer Hadergjonaj is still very affected. “I forget a lot of things every day. At times, I feel really bad, I still have problems sleeping. ”Like any non-lawyer, he can hardly imagine that the serious faults committed on June 23 may not be remembered by justice. “I don’t understand: my wife was walking when I accompanied her to the CHUV,” laments Zymer Hadergjonaj. It was only at the end of the afternoon, when they made us wait for hours and even thought at one point sending us home, that she started to vomit, not to succeed anymore to breathe and even to have blood in your mouth. ”This Monday, he will tell the prosecutor the exact course of events, as he has already repeatedly pondered in his heart.

Created: 20.01.2020, 06:43

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