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JusPol continues to inform dissatisfied KBS members about current affairs

Members of the Suriname Fire Brigade think that it takes too long to realize the overdue cases of their corps. They are therefore under consideration. A representation of the members had a meeting with Minister Kenneth Amoksi of the Ministry of Justice and Police on Tuesday 16 November.

During this meeting, the minister informed the group about current affairs regarding the medical facilities. The state of affairs with regard to increasing the nutritional allowance was also discussed. The Director of Operational Services, Olton Helstone, was also present at this meeting.

The members indicate that they see the minister’s efforts, but that things are not running smoothly. The group emphasizes that matters related to the KBF are constantly being shifted in the Council of Ministers, while other agenda items are dealt with quickly. “We are no strangers to Jerusalem. It is also difficult to keep the members in check as things keep getting delayed. To the members it comes across as if they are always being kept on a leash.”

The group hopes that the proposal to increase food funds will be approved this week. According to Minister Amoksi, this proposal is already on the agenda of the Council of Ministers.

The Director of Operations, Olton Helstone, says special procedures must be followed to regulate medical facilities. The minister has already signed the contract and the documents are now back on the board of the State Health Fund. He also stated that the State Health Insurance Fund (SZF) is, among other things, responsible for the insurance of all civil servants. These are 16 departments, each with their own situation. The minister therefore asked the firefighters to show patience and understanding.

It has been agreed that there must be mutual trust between the members and the ministry. It is also important to know that they want the same goals. The parties will meet again at the end of this month.

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