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Jungle Camp 2021: Watch all episodes of the RTL broadcast for free on TVNOW in the media library

Jungle Camp 2021: See all episodes of the RTL program “I am a Star – The Great Jungle Show” for free on TVNOW in the media library – this is how it works.

Cologne – Because of the worldwide Corona-Krise became the RTL jungle camp Canceled in Australia in 2021 (All winners (jungle kings) from IBES at a glance). Millions of TV and TVNOW viewers draws it in front of the TV screens every January when presenter Sonja Zietlow and Daniel Hartwich present “I’m a star, get me out of here” on RTL.

Jungle Camp 2021: The big jungle show with Sonja Zietlow and Daniel Hartwich

But RTL provides a replacement: From January 15, 2021 will now run I’m a Star – The Great Jungle Show on RTL and TVNOW. Even spectator favorite Dr. Bob is flown in from Australia especially for the show.

Sonja Zietlow and Daniel Hartwich will host the big jungle show from January 15th on RTL.


From Friday, January 15, 2021, 10:15 p.m., RTL and TVNOW in the new 15-part event show “I am a star – the great jungle show” wanted the first camper for the 15th anniversary season 2022 in Australia every day. RTL reveals the first details of the new show: In the live shows, studio guests also listen to the Highlights of the past 14 seasons looked back.

Jungle show instead of jungle camp – station manager Jörg Graf is happy

RTL broadcaster Jörg Graf regrets that the jungle camp was canceled in 2021, but is happy about the replacement show “I’m a Star – The Great Jungle Show“:“ Of course we didn’t want to do without a ‘I am a star’, but we also didn’t want to re-enact the jungle in the Black Forest by bending or twisting ”. It’s logical that the show will be different than it used to be, but that’s exactly what is exciting. “It will be a great mix”

Jungle Camp 2021: These are the possible candidates for the RTL jungle show

About the possible jungle camp or Jungle Show Candidates there is always speculation. These celebrities could take part in the big jungle show in 2021 to qualify for the jungle camp in Australia in 2022:

  • Djamila Rowe
  • Oliver Sanne
  • Mike Heiter
  • Lisha Savage
  • Claudia Effenberg
  • Tina Ruland
  • Filip Pavlovic
  • Lucas Cordalis
  • Laura Müller
  • Claudia Obert
  • Werner Hansch
  • Henrik Stoltenberg

Jungle Camp 2021: Watch all episodes for free on TVNOW – that’s how it works

There is still no official jungle camp candidate list from RTL. If you don’t want to miss an episode of “I’m a star – the big jungle show” from January 15th, you can go to TVNOW watch all episodes for free.

RTL founded its streaming service in 2007. The huge media library doesn’t just offer TV formats. There is a big one for subscribers Selection of films, series and exclusive previews.

TVNOW can be tested free of charge for 30 days.


Jungle camp at TVNOW: Free test phase (30 days) must be canceled

Who that all episodes of the jungle camp in the media library want to see TVNOW can for Test 30 days for free (here). Thereafter there are no further costs. Those who like the streaming service can then book one of RTL’s two subscription models. But be careful: after the free phase users have to cancel the subscription, otherwise automatically a paid subscription emerges.

The Cancellation of the TVNOW subscription can be done online with just a few clicks (here are the instructions).

Headline image: © TVNOW

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