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Johnson called for the development of a “Marshall Plan” for Ukraine / GORDON

Johnson said this to the leaders of the Visegrad Four during a summit with these countries on March 8.

One of the summit participants told the publication that the five leaders agreed with the idea. They said they could rebuild the country. The details of such a plan are unknown, since everything is at an early stage, the newspaper writes.

Johnson’s associates believe that one of the sources of funding for such a plan could be the sale of assets of Russian oligarchs seized by the UK, associated with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

As writes The Telegraphafter the summit, Johnson said that the leaders had reached agreement on the need to “show the people of Ukraine that whatever happens, when a free, sovereign, independent Ukraine is protected and restored, we will rebuild it and we will have a Marshall Plan to restore Ukraine “.

The Marshall Plan – European Recovery Program – was proposed by US Secretary of State George Marshall and launched in 1948. This is a program of economic assistance to European countries after World War II.


February 24 Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the invasion Russian troops in Ukraine. He stated that the goal of the Russian Federation is “the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.”

After Putin’s appeal in many cities of Ukraine, including Kyiv, Kharkov, Dnipro, Odessa, began to report the sounds of explosions. At about 05:00 Russian armed forces attacked Ukraine from the south, north (including from the territory of Belarus) and east. They started shell Ukrainian positions in the Donbass, launched rocket and bomb strikes on a number of airfields and other military facilities. Russian troops attack residential areas, kindergartens And hospitals. RF applies in Ukraine multiple launch rocket systems “Grad” and “Hurricane”, inflicts air strikes.

On March 7, the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights stated that from 4.00 on February 24, the victims of Russian aggression against Ukraine at least 406 civilians became, wounded 801. The organization noted that the real figures are much higher, because from places where there are intense battles, the information arrives late and still needs to be confirmed. On March 8, Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov confirmed the information about over 400 killed and over 800 wounded civilians at the hands of Russian soldiers.

The President of Ukraine spoke about the losses among Ukrainian military personnel for the last time on February 25 – the first day of the war, according to him, 137 soldiers died.

Losses of Russian invaders as of March 8 amounted to more than 12 thousand people killed, wounded and captured. Also, according to the General Staff, the Russian Federation lost during this period 303 tanks, 1036 armored combat vehicles, 120 artillery systems, 56 multiple launch rocket systems, 27 air defense systems, 48 ​​aircraft, 80 helicopters, 474 vehicles, three ships, 60 tanks with fuels and lubricants and seven operational-tactical unmanned aerial vehicles.

Russia refuses to take the bodies of Russian soldiers killed in UkraineIrina Vereshchuk, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, said on March 7.

February 27 Ukraine filed a lawsuit against Russia in the International Court of Justice, demanding “to bring Russia to justice for distorting the concept of genocide to justify aggression.” Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Karim Khan personally initiated an investigation into the Russian invasion of Ukraineand March 3 announced the start of the investigation.

Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Western countries have imposed sanctions against Russia, including personal ones against Putin. After the imposition of sanctions in Russia updated historical highs of the fall the ruble against the euro and the dollar. sanctions measures led to the collapse of the economy of the aggressor country. After that, US President Joe Biden announced the introduction ban on the import of Russian energy products – oil and gas – in the United States. UK will refuse from Russian oil and gas before the end of the year, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said.

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