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Joe Biden Orders Secret 9/11 Attack Documents Released to the Public

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – President of the United States Joe Biden ordered the declassification of classified documents for the 9/11 terrorist attacks within the next six months. Biden is currently responding to pressure from the families of the 3,000 victims of the September 11, 2001 tragedy.


Keluarga korban telah lama berargumen bahwa dokumen rahasia mungkin berisi bukti bahwa pemerintah Arab Saudi. Sekutu dekat AS itu disebut memiliki hubungan dengan para pembajak yang menabrakan pesawat ke gedung World Trade Center dan Pentagon.

"Hari ini, saya menandatangani perintah eksekutif yang mengarahkan Departemen Kehakiman dan lembaga terkait lainnya untuk mengawasi peninjauan deklasifikasi dokumen terkait penyelidikan Biro Investigasi Federal pada 11 September," kata Biden dalam sebuah pernyataan.


Joe Biden melanjutkan, deklasifikasi dilakukan selama enam bulan mendatang. "Kita tidak boleh melupakan rasa sakit keluarga dan orang-orang terkasih dari 2.977 korban tak berdosa yang tewas dalam serangan teroris di Amerika yang terburuk dalam sejarah," kata Biden.

The release of the documents to the public comes ahead of the 20th anniversary of the attack. The attack prompted then US president George W. Bush to order an invasion of Afghanistan, where the Taliban sheltered the Al-Qaeda leader.

Joe Biden has withdrawn the last US troops from Afghanistan this week, completing a dramatic evacuation from Kabul airport. The evacuation came after the Taliban defeated the US-backed government and returned to power.

The request to release the documents came from the victim’s family who wanted to sue Saudi Arabia for alleged involvement in the horrific attack. The family has long expressed frustration with the document being barred from being made public.

The official 9/11 commission, set up by Congress, said there was no evidence that the Saudi government as an institution or senior Saudi officials individually funded Al-Qaeda.

The phrase has been interpreted by some to mean that Saudi Arabian figures may have played a role in the terrorist attacks.

Some investigations are still considered too sensitive to be released.

In an executive order in the declassification process, Biden said the events of 9/11 20 years ago were about a tragic moment that continues to resonate in American history.

“It is important to ensure that the Government United States of America maximize transparency unless the most compelling reasons state otherwise,” he said.

Read: Families of 9/11 terror victims suspect FBI of missing evidence of Saudi involvement


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