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Job interview: these 5 flaws recruiters are willing to hear

The job interview

By Stéphanie Davalo |
Posted on 04/08/2021

“What is your main flaw?”, “Give me three flaws and three qualities” … The question is a classic! However, knowing how to answer them is far from obvious. We give you a helping hand and a list to draw from to have the flaws of a perfect candidate 🙂

Whatever flaws you cite, adapt your speech to a pro daily. In other words, show that you know yourself well and that you have already found your ways to turn these faults into strengths. You will be all the more convincing if you can draw on concrete examples and positive feedback from previous experiences.

Certain faults like “disorganized”, “lazy” or “procrastinator” remain very complicated to defend against the recruiter. We advise you not to turn to them, unless you have an atypical profile and a real desire to defend this aspect of your application!

1. I am a perfectionist

The classic ! If you choose, keep in mind that recruiters are expected to do so and explain why you make this choice anyway.

Why this is a real flaw as an employee

Being a perfectionist in itself is not a fault: it took you five years to build an Eiffel Tower out of perfectly aligned matches? Well done ! But in the professional field, this can result in difficulties in delegating and letting go or too much time given to certain projects of less importance.

How you managed to make it a force

Highlight the trust that you now know how to grant to others to delegate or validate a project. Depending on the position for which you are applying, you can also claim that you are the one to give a final pass because you hardly ever run out of steam!

2. I am shy

Highlighting your shyness means putting down words on what the recruiter may perceive during an interview. And recruiters love it when things are clear!

Why this is a real flaw as an employee

Being shy may prevent you from speaking up even when you have an important point to share, and it can also complicate your conversations externally. For some trades, this is prohibitive: it’s hard to imagine a salesperson unable to pick up his phone to contact a customer!

How you managed to make it a force

You’re shy, okay, but you’ve got the maturity to take it upon yourself when necessary. Still having trouble speaking in meetings? You take charge of his report and your listening skills are an added value to reproduce the content of the exchanges by commenting on them.

Also say that you quickly make yourself a popular place in a team and that you quickly find your marks!

3. I am whole

If hypocrisy is generally not appreciated in the open space as elsewhere, whole temperaments also cause a certain mistrust, especially when the position to be filled is within a team that functions well.

Why this is a real flaw as an employee

Because filters are important in a team or with its hierarchy! Outbursts of anger or brutal remarks have no place in business. When we speak of benevolence between collaborators, it is sometimes simply being able to take it upon oneself to keep a remark: not everything is good to say in a professional context!

How you managed to make it a force

Show how you have succeeded in separating things and putting shapes. You are not the one who is made to say yes when he or she thinks no, but you know how to argue with kindness and you understand that your negative opinion is not a veto to move a project forward. And your professional entourage appreciates your authenticity, especially as a manager.

4. I can’t wait

Waiting is sometimes a real test of strength in your daily life and you find it honest to share this wonderful trait with the recruiter.

Why is this a real flaw as an employee?

Do you have a hard time keeping still, do you get stuck when meetings drag on, do you have trouble waiting for a colleague to return when you feel you have given him enough time? Yes, it is indeed a defect 🙂

How you managed to make it a force

To convince the recruiter, tell him that you now know how to channel this impatience: you have learned to organize yourself so as not to put pressure when you delegate, you know your limits and you know how to relieve your stress by going for a 5 km on the lunch break!

5. I am easily influenced

They call you weathervane and they say you change your mind like your shirt? Being easily influenced is neither a catastrophe nor a fate.

Why is this a real flaw as an employee?

Because recruiters want to integrate into their teams employees who have added value and who are right in their boots on their subject of expertise!

How you managed to make it a force

On the other side of the coin is your ability to listen. The opinions of others, but not only: you feed on your monitoring, innovations from here and elsewhere … More than influential, you are adaptable and agile and you know how to make things happen while preserving serenity of your team.

As a bonus, the defect which is not really one!

If you have to name three faults, you can end with one fault which is not and which will (perhaps) make the recruiter smile: you cook poorly, you cannot speak a word of Swedish or you always confuse the actors series … Not enough to expand on these different subjects, but a way to end the chapter of faults on a lighter note!

Photo credit: Prostock Studio – stock.adobe.com

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