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Jessica Alba’s Shocking Transformation: How the Former Sex Symbol Looks Now

Age does not forgive anyone, and the proof is the 42-year-old actress, who years ago conquered everyone with her sexy look

Los Angeles, USA10 July 2023, 05:10 41947 read 2 comments

In the world of show business, the requirements for celebrities are very strict – they must look perfect in any situation.

42-year-old Jessica Alba has long been considered one of the most beautiful women in the world and often tops the charts of the “sexiest” women.

Even after giving birth to two children, she kept her figure and looked amazing. However, the third pregnancy significantly changed her appearance. Or maybe not only pregnancy is to blame for her current look?

After the birth of her last child, Jessica spent more time with her family and avoided public appearances. True, several times she still appeared at various social events and looked amazing there.

But the truth turned out to be quite different. She was recently caught in a paparazzi photo, and the sight is downright terrifying.

But you will now learn how the former sex symbol Jessica Alba actually looks at jenata.blitz.bg

2023-07-10 05:30:30
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