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Jaimie Vaes lets nanny come to audition: ‘Too many fillers’

And we do not exaggerate with ‘everything’: Lil ‘Kleine’s fiancé goes to a cosmetic clinic with Koen where their stomachs and buttocks are thoroughly taken care of. Although the Jaimie treatment seems to go off without any problems, Koen screams even before the device has even started. “I almost shoot through the ceiling!”

“I just want a permanent babysitter” says the reality star about her search for a nanny, where she takes us with her in the second episode. “I do it all alone now. It doesn’t matter, but because Jorik and I are both very busy it is difficult to always have someone with Lío. Grandpa and grandma are not always available either.”

So she starts the search for the most suitable babysitter for her little one. Potential nanny number one, Sammi, comes by for a first meeting and of course Koen is also there to have his say. “Good bag, good hair, she looked very neat” said Jaimie’s first impression. Positive, even though the babysitter arrived a little too late.

Sammi’s click with Lío also seemed to be there immediately. Still, Koen is a bit less enthusiastic. “She’s kind of a type. I think she likes it. And she’s single … I don’t know if you’d like that in the house. I wouldn’t do it.”

Afterward, once she’s gone, Sammi faces a critical review. “She has more filler in one cheek than everything in all,” says Koen. “An au pair must be open, I found her mysterious.” What do he think a suitable babysitter should meet? “Dirty hair, overweight and very bad taste.”

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