Home » today » News » Israeli intelligence chief resigns over failure – 2024-04-22 23:32:06

Israeli intelligence chief resigns over failure – 2024-04-22 23:32:06


The head of Israel’s Military Intelligence Directorate, Major General Aharon Haliva, submitted his resignation to the Office of the Chief of Staff, accepting responsibility for the occupation Army’s failure to prevent the successful Hamas operation of October 7. of 2023 in Jewish territory.

Aharon Haliva is the first Israeli official to take responsibility for failing to prevent the Hamas attack or the recent Iranian counterattack.

The spy chief of the Israeli armed forces decided to retire because he could not predict the October 7 attack, according to Army Radio in a statement.

In his resignation letter addressed to the Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Hertzl Halevi, Haliva reportedly stated: “With authority comes great responsibility. “The intelligence division under my leadership did not meet its mission requirements.”

“I endured that black day bravely. Since then, day and night, I will forever carry the pain of the terrible war,” said the military chief.

General Haliva “in coordination with the Chief of the General Staff has requested the cessation of his duties as a result of his responsibility as head of intelligence in the events of October 7,” the Army said in a statement.

“It has been decided that General Haliva will resign and retire from the army, once his successor has been appointed,” he added.

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