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Is it safe for a breastfeeding mother to eat ginger?


Ginger is a healthy, nutritious plant root and is often used as a medicinal herb and spice for cooking and natural medicine. However, can ginger be consumed during breastfeeding?

Quoting from the Very Well Family, ginger, which is believed to support the immune system, reduce inflammation in the body, and relieve nausea, is safe for consumption by nursing mothers. In fact, ginger is believed to increase the production of breast milk (ASI), you know.

“In some areas of the world, women are given ginger immediately after giving birth. Ginger is believed to help mothers recover after giving birth. It is also considered a galactagogue that stimulates milk production,” said certified nurse, Donna Murray.

Although there is not much research to prove it, in a study published in 2016 it was concluded that the use of ginger as a natural method to increase milk production in the early postpartum period was carried out by some breastfeeding mothers.

Even so, according to Donna, more research is needed to find out how ginger can increase breast milk production naturally. If you want to use ginger as a dietary supplement to increase breast milk production, you should first consult a lactation consultant.

“Keep in mind, if you want to consume ginger, breastfeeding mothers need to consult and discuss it with their doctor first,” said Donna Murray.

Does ginger affect the taste of breast milk?

Meanwhile, research studies show that consumption of foods and spices with strong flavors can affect the taste of breast milk within hours of consumption.

“The possibility of ginger affecting the taste of breast milk is very likely, although clinical evidence to support this assumption is still scarce,” said clinical nutritionist Swati Patwal. Mom Junction.

Different babies have different levels of tolerance for changes in the taste of breast milk. Some babies may be sensitive and become fussy and refuse to breastfeed. If that happens, it’s best to stop consuming ginger and see if the situation improves. If the problem persists, consult a pediatrician or lactation specialist.

Benefits of ginger for nursing mothers

The ginger analysis shows that ginger contains more than 400 different compounds, which can provide health benefits for breastfeeding mothers, including:

1. Reducing nausea

Ginger is known to relieve nausea, dizziness associated with motion sickness. In addition, ginger has also been used to relieve morning sickness during pregnancy, and is believed to reduce nausea and vomiting in cancer patients after chemotherapy.

2. Overcoming digestive problems

Clinical studies show that ginger can soothe the stomach from various ailments such as bloating, cramps, and constipation. Apart from that, it can also help to improve overall gastrointestinal motility.

3. Reducing fever

Ginger can reduce fever by increasing the production of sweat in the body. Many believe that the antiviral properties in it can help fight colds, respiratory infections, sore throats and flu.

4. Pain relief

Pain that can be relieved by consuming ginger is headaches, menstrual cramps, and muscle aches.

5. Reduces swelling

Ginger is thought to reduce swelling and reduce pain associated with arthritis, mums. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of a substance called gingerol which is present in ginger.

6. Reduces oxidative stress

Ginger contains high amounts of antioxidants and bioactive compounds. This can help reduce stress is oxidative and maintains overall health in the long term.

7. Increase immunity

Studies show that ginger’s antioxidant, antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties can boost immunity in the long term.

8. Smooth circulation

Since ginger can thin the blood and lower cholesterol, it is also said to increase blood flow throughout the body.

9. Relieves allergy symptoms

Ginger can treat and treat allergies. Research studies note that ginger can help manage allergy symptoms, such as allergic rhinitis.

Eating small doses of fresh or dried ginger may rarely cause side effects. However, in some cases, ginger can cause side effects, such as interfering with the effects of some drugs, increasing bile flow, triggering allergic reactions.

Eating ginger in small doses as a spice does not cause side effects. However, if you take ginger in the form of supplements or herbs, maybe you will drink it in higher amounts, potentially causing problems. If a nursing mother wants to take ginger in the form of supplements or herbal medicine, you should first consult with her doctor.

Moms, also see how to store ginger that is right for long lasting, in the following video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]


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