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Intense joint pain? 6 effective tips to avoid them | El Salvador News

These anatomical tissues are responsible for supporting the weight of the entire body and giving it mobility. If you suffer severe pain in knees, shoulders, hip, surely your joints have already suffered damage. Learn how to protect them and avoid deterioration of them.

The relationship of knee pain with old age is taken by many with humor, however, discomforts in the joints They can reach any age. You do not need to be 70 years old to feel considerable wear on these parts.

According to the description of the National Library From US Medicine, the joints are designed to support weight and “mobilize the body through space.” Due to its structure (muscles, tendons, ligaments), its main function is to keep the bones of the skeleton together and facilitate the movement of areas such as the knees, elbows, shoulders, fingers, hips, among others.

The wear of them is normal, due to the passing of the years. Most often, the deterioration begins in the fourth decade of life. But in addition to this “natural” situation, there are factors that can injure them, such as certain diseases and intense sports activities.
To delay the first symptoms – which is usually pain – we share you with habits that will help you maintain healthy joints.

1- No more kilos
As clarified before, the joints have the main function of supporting the weight of the entire body. If you do not maintain an adequate weight, wear will be inevitable, especially in areas called synovial, responsible for movements that allow you to bend down, sit or stand up. According to the Spanish magazine Buena Vida, the articular cartilage is so flexible that it can withstand very heavy loads, but if this is prolonged, as with obese or overweight people, it will not resist, it will be damaged and you will have intense pain.

2- Postural hygiene
The way you feel, how many hours you spend in the same posture, the way you sleep, the way you type on a keyboard or are in front of the computer affect the damage of the joints. Experts call “postural hygiene” the care you have when executing the aforementioned activities. Given this, it is recommended to reduce repetitive movements on the same joint, monitor the posture when sitting and flex the knees when lifting weight and take care of rest at night. “Choose a good mattress and pillow that fits the anatomy,” Buena Vida magazine detailed.

3- Move!
It is true that many athletes suffer damage to their joints due to the intensity of their routine. But if you are a sedentary person, you could also deteriorate the musculoskeletal. There are 206 bones and more than 300 joints that you must put in motion to prevent joint osteoarthritis and other damage. Regular, moderate and non-aggressive physical activity such as swimming, gentle running, adapted pilates and yoga is recommended.

4- Food
Eating in a balanced and healthy way will help maintain and strengthen bones and joints. As a basic rule you should avoid “the intake of industrial sugars and reduce foods rich in purines because they generate uric acid, the excess of which generates gout and affects other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system,” said Buena Vida. It is recommended to consume raw, organic and seasonal foods. Include legumes, vegetables, protein (fish and poultry), fruits and seeds in your diet.

5- Hydration
Drinking water has two benefits in this area: keeping the joints lubricated and maintaining an adequate weight. According to the Vitónica portal, drinking water “is the easiest way to have joints and tendons in perfect condition.” And it is that having a good hydration will contribute to the mobility of the whole body, will give life to the tissues and your body will have a special predisposition for exercise. Consume two liters daily.

6- Supplements
Not only a good diet will help keep your knees, shoulders, fingers or hips healthy. You can rely on nutritional supplements to strengthen and protect these areas, such as collagen, glucosamine, magnesium, omega 3 or hyaluronic acid. Thanks to these components, the cartilage is repaired, pain and inflammation are reduced, bones are strengthened, calcium is absorbed more or joints are lubricated.

7- Family doctor
Like the heart, digestive system or reproductive system, joints and bones need the advice of a professional. This control will be postponed if you suffer from osteoarthritis or other degenerative joint disease, if you do physical work (such as construction or if you are an office worker) or if you play sports. The professional council will suggest the best, according to your medical record.

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