Home » today » World » Index – Domestic – Median: Péter Magyar gained more supporters, but Fidesz still leads

Index – Domestic – Median: Péter Magyar gained more supporters, but Fidesz still leads

As we wrote, the representative survey conducted by the Median pollster between April 26-29, based on inquiries from a thousand people, HVG made public. Already from the report published at the time, it became clear that the support of Péter Magyar’s party was ahead of DK.

“The processing of this had to be interrupted for 970 people due to the early closing of the page on May 1, so that the readers will receive the results in this week’s issue. And on Wednesday, the updated data line arrived,” they write on their news portal.

As noted, the supplemented data mostly differ by tenths of a millisecond. The following parties achieved a difference of 1 percentage point compared to what was announced a day earlier:

Among the full voting age population, the support of Fidesz stands at 32 percent and the Tisza Party at 17 percent (instead of the previous 16 percent).

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