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In Villeurbanne, young people from the PJJ question the media treatment of Islam

As part of a workshop dedicated to the creation of media, a group of young people from the UEAJ (Educational and Day Activities Unit) of Villeurbanne, supervised by the Judicial Protection of Youth (PJJ), wrote a article devoted to the media treatment of Islam. We reproduce it below.

“Islam = terrorist”.

“Islam = haine”.

“Islam = extremism”.

Here are the clichés often conveyed in the media. Regularly, the debate on the veil returns to the media scene. As lately with with the law on separatism passed this summer. Or in televised debates, in particular in programs on CNews or BFMTV. In fact, this law seems to target mainly Muslims. So what is the impact of this? How do Muslims experience it?

In Villeurbanne, we asked the question of media treatment of Islam to passers-by, Muslims and associations.

Media education by Rue89Lyon

This article was written within the framework of media education workshops carried out by Margot Hemmerich for Rue89lyon with minors placed under the care of justice and in collaboration with the PJJ du Rhône. They take place thanks to a grant from the DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Two-hour workshops were carried out between February and June 2021. The production opposite is one of the renderings of these workshops.


Samir de Villeurbanne: “Islam in the media is always a one-way street”

To the question: “do you find that there is a lot of talk about Islam in the media?” », Jamila *, 50 years old, reacts:

“Yes, they forgot their problems so they talk about Islam. all you have to do is see a veiled woman for nothing to be said about that. Yet the virgin mary never showed her hair either. “

“Whether it is Islam, Christianity, Judaism, if they leave us alone we will live better, but not each in his corner, because precisely they want to separate us”, she adds.

Sitting on a bench near Charpennes, in Villeurbanne, Samir * replies in turn:

“There is only that in the media, we are always stigmatized while there are much more serious problems. “

Then asked about how the media talk about Islam and how they perceive it personally, passers-by replied:

“It’s always one way to beat us up, to get the bad out of Islam when it’s a religion of openness. I feel attacked in the media, with Zemmour and their whole gang. I would prefer that we talk about everything that is virtuous in Islam, being together, peace. For me, all those who carry out attacks are not Muslims, ”continues Samir.

“I think it’s a bit exaggerated, it’s too much. We talk about it in negative terms, ”says Mathieu *.

A little further in the square in front of Place Wilson, a young man, in his thirties, explains his point of view:

“The media terrorize the population a little with their treatment of Islam, as they do with many other subjects. You have to be smart enough to take a step back. “We mix too much, it depends on where we come from and what socio-professional category. I have always been surrounded by all religions. I am an atheist and I think that everyone believes in what they want. ”

A young mother with her children in a complete stroller, in a low voice:

“It’s to stoke the fire, I don’t find that very instructive, it’s to keep the cleavages. I find that it does not help to move forward and to find solutions to live together ”,.

“I don’t necessarily have friends who practice Islam, so I’m bound to have the image that I’m shown on TV. And if I stick to what I’m shown, I’m not necessarily going to have a positive image of Islam. Now with my own life and beliefs I have nothing against Islam but it is true that I will stay stuck on the negative images that we see on TV. “

BFM debate on the veil – Islam and the media

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The BFM debate on the veil. Screenshot

” data-medium-file=”https://www.rue89lyon.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Capture-decran-2021-09-11-154003-180×88.png” data-large-file=”https://www.rue89lyon.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Capture-decran-2021-09-11-154003-630×308.png” loading=”lazy” width=”630″ height=”308″ alt=”islam et médias” class=”wp-image-169895″ srcset=”https://www.rue89lyon.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Capture-decran-2021-09-11-154003-630×308.png 630w, https://www.rue89lyon.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Capture-decran-2021-09-11-154003-180×88.png 180w, https://www.rue89lyon.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Capture-decran-2021-09-11-154003-768×375.png 768w, https://www.rue89lyon.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Capture-decran-2021-09-11-154003.png 1167w” sizes=”(max-width: 630px) 100vw, 630px”/>

The BFM debate on the veil. Screenshot

“Media treatment is not equal when it comes to us Muslims”

Association EMF (Muslim students from France) in Lyon is committed to student life, to create moments of conviviality but also to strengthen living together and organize moments of reflection on topical issues. Two volunteers, Ramzi (Master 2 student in public law), and Shana (energy consultant) came to give their point of view on the media treatment of Islam. See the video below:

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“I find the media treatment of Islam often unfair because we do not give a voice to the people concerned. We give the floor to so-called spokespersons who are not legitimate and we put them forward as if they represented us ”, explains Ramzi.

This is the situation that veiled women responded to in a Huffington Post video.

“The media treatment is not equal when it is about us – the Muslims – and when it is about the others,” adds Shana.

“I think there are subjects that take on too much importance on TV when they are not necessarily the most important in our community, like the virginity certificate for example. Or the question of the veil, which takes up a lot of space. It feels like 95% of women who wear the veil are oppressed and forced to wear it. This is not the case”.

Amalgamation between Islam and terrorism

We then asked the following question: do you think that there is an amalgamation between Islam and terrorism?

Their video response.

video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-4-3 wp-has-aspect-ratio">

Law against separatism: Islam stigmatized

For Ramzi, “we say that it is a law to strengthen the values ​​of the Republic but it targets Islam more than anything else. In my opinion, this law is stigmatizing and unnecessary: ​​for example polygamy is already prohibited by law today. Ditto for the prohibition for cultural associations to practice worship. The laws in our country already protect people and fight extremism. For me, this law was just made to stigmatize people.

Shana shares this point of view and adds:

“It’s nicer to say that we are for secularism than against a certain community. And everyone knows which community we are talking about. “

How to strengthen living together?

“I think the problem comes when people don’t mix. White French people who do not rub shoulders with French of foreign origin. When you grow up without knowing the other you grow up in fear of the other and with a certain idea, ”explains Shana.

“Initially the school was supposed to play this meeting role, but unfortunately there are neighborhoods where only one community lives, and there are also all those who try to avoid their school so as not to mix”, Ramzi concludes.

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