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In the YouTube app, you’ll choose the default quality. Finally!

YouTube finally introduces default video quality settings for Wi-Fi and mobile data for Android. Users will be able to decide when they want to save data and when to use the full capabilities of the application.

Four months ago, YouTube announced that we can expect such a feature soon and the testing phase is starting. Now the company announced that this novelty is available in an update, although still in beta.

In the application settings, it will be possible to decide what video quality is to be played when using a Wi-Fi network, and what when using a data package.

Saved changes will make it easier controlling the amount of gigabytes used, and avoid using the resolution selection menu too often.

Quality selection made even easier

The video quality selection feature will now also offer new possibilities, both when it comes to choosing the resolution of one movie and the choice we want to save for a Wi-Fi network or a mobile network.

We all know what it looks like today. In the settings, you can choose specific values ​​that determine the quality, which often mean nothing to an ordinary user.

From now on, the user will be able to choose from three options:

  • Data Saver (Most likely 144p-480p)
  • Higher image quality (720p and higher)
  • Auto (the application itself decides what resolution will be the best)

fot. Android Police

Additionally, there will be a fourth advanced option for those who want to stick to the old settings and choose a specific resolution themselves.

Unfortunately, so far in the beta version it is not yet possible to choose the exact resolution for the entire application, but probably it will be available soon.

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