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In the fight against learning gaps – Emmendingen

In the second year of the corona, the Kiwanis summer school enables students to catch up on learning material during the summer holidays.

. Math, German and English remain the focus – here, learning gaps quickly grow into a mortgage for further school careers, know the coordinators of the Kiwanis holiday school. It will take place again for two weeks during the summer holidays at the Emmendinger Markgrafenschule – in the second Corona year, given that schools have been closed for a long time and distance learning is available, the offer is more necessary than ever.

“This is our own learning bridge, which was propagated so widely by the state government,” says school director Wolfgang Degelmann and thanks the Kiwanis representatives Michael Schlueter and Walter Haderthauer for their social commitment and the “long-established and mature concept” of the holiday school, which is now is offered at five locations in the district. “That makes our work easier in all areas,” said Degelmann, who makes no secret of the fact that filling gaps in knowledge after Corona would actually be a matter for the country. But they have applied to the Bridge the Gap program in vain.

It is all the more valuable that the holiday school project started twelve years ago in Emmendingen can take place again. In the learning shops, participants improve their level of knowledge for two weeks (August 9 to 20) on five mornings from 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. under the guidance of learning guides – a maximum of eight students in order to keep the group sizes as small and effective as possible, as coordinator Magdalena Klinger says insured. The personal competence and motivation of the children should also be encouraged. “Nobody goes under or can hide here,” is Klinger’s experience. Everyone is perceived and strengthened as an individual, and this is reflected in the end result: “I can finally do math”, that many participants with school deficits would have often given as feedback at the end of the two weeks.

In addition to the right learning strategies and respectful interaction with one another, the focus is on having fun while learning, says Petra Zai-Englert. The registration with 55 interested parties started cautiously, in previous years it was up to 80 – the school social worker suspects the corona requirements as the reason and the fact that many parents still want to wait for the certificates. “Many were overwhelmed because after returning to face-to-face classes, work was done in full swing.” The regularity of school attendance was very much lacking for many. The Diakonisches Werk, as the Emmendingen sponsor, is still looking for additional learning guides who will be rewarded according to the flat rate for the instructor. You can contact the managing director Meinhard Schamotzki (email [email protected]; Tel. 07641/918514) Candidate teachers or students of social professions, but also interested senior citizens.

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