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In Russia, they can say goodbye to the president

It turns out that the idea of ​​renaming the “president” in the Russian Federation has been brewing for a long time.

In Russia, they can say goodbye to the president. Of course, not with Vladimir Putin himself, but simply with the term “president”.

The State Duma believes that it is better to call the head of an aggressor country a “ruler.” This is stated in the plot of the FreeDom project.

“The title of the position of the head of state has always confused us. The term “president” in the sense of the head of the executive branch was first used only at the end of the 18th century in the United States. In our country, by historical standards, this is generally a new word, and until it takes root completely, you can safely replace it to the “ruler,” the LDPR said.

It turns out that the idea of ​​renaming the “president” in the Russian Federation has been brewing for a long time. As soon as they did not think to magnify Putin: they offered to return the title of emperor, and the general secretary, and so on.

As Alexander Kovalenko, a military-political observer of the Information Resistance group, explained, for years in Russia they tried to impose a narrative that Putin is like an emperor, a royal person who should not have deadlines for the completion of his powers.

“They will call Putin a ruler or emperor, in fact, it doesn’t matter. This will not change his essence. He was and is an ordinary bunker dictator,” the journalists summed up in the story.

Earlier, the Kremlin said that the proposal to amend the Russian constitution and rename the office of president in the “supreme ruler” will be considered.

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