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In Crissier, part of the roof of Léman Center has collapsed

Part of the roof of the Léman Center shopping center in Crissier, in western Lausanne, collapsed on Thursday around 10 p.m. The incident caused no casualties, but significant material damage.

The roof collapsed in the Coop store and the entire shopping center as well as several shopping arcades suffered significant water damage, said Vaud cantonal police on Friday. An investigation has been opened to identify the causes of this collapse.

The center is flooded

In its own statement, the Coop group says the heavy rains “probably” played a role in the roof collapse. He specifies that the collapse also resulted in the rupture of the sprinklers – the sprinklers that protect a site in the event of a fire -, which caused the flooding of the center.

The damage is being repaired. The center is temporarily closed.

This event mobilized 18 men and 5 vehicles from the SDIS Sorge, a gendarmerie patrol, three police patrols west of Lausanne as well as an expert from the cantonal insurance company against fire and natural elements.

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