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If diabetics … how to protect yourself from eye diseases?

There is a direct relationship between diabetes and eye disease, so diabetics need special attention to eye health. In this report, we offer tips for them to care for eye health and prevent their diseases, according to the site lighthouse guide .

Did you know that diabetic retinopathy, a disease of the eyes if you have diabetes, is the leading cause of blindness in Americans between the ages of 20 and 74? Or will the number of people with this serious eye disease, which damages the blood vessels within the retina, increase from nearly 8 million today to 11 million in 2030? According to statistics.

If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you are at risk of developing diabetic retinopathy and other serious eye diseases such as cataracts or cataracts, as well as the potential to damage the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and feet.

There is no cure for diabetes, but careful monitoring and control can help you avoid vision loss and other health problems associated with the disease.

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The American Eye Institute (NEI) A guide so you can “stay on the right track to prevent blindness from diabetes.”

تناول- Take diabetes medications, either tablets or insulin, every day at the appropriate time, as prescribed by your doctor.

الوصول- Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, set realistic goals for weight, and reach it through exercise, by choosing the right foods and reducing the amounts of food.

Here’s an example of a simple but achievable goal from the American Diabetes Association: four days every week, I’ll eat an apple instead of ice cream as a snack in the evening.

أضف- Add physical activity to your day, do something you enjoy for at least 30 minutes every day, such as walking, biking, swimming or dancing.

تحكم- Control blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and monitor them constantly.

توقف- Stop smoking, if you smoke, you will likely have a problem with insulin doses and controlling your illness.

فحص- Eye examination once a year, in its early stages, many eye diseases that threaten vision have no symptoms, if you suffer from diabetes, we recommend that you perform a comprehensive eye examination at least once every year.

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