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“I thought I’d get it over with”

Actress Francesca neri told about her drama admitting that she suffered so much that she was worried about getting it over with.

In recent times, more and more women are taking to the field to bring to light health problems that are too often underestimated but so painful as to compromise the quality of life.

(Adobe Stock photo)

Between these there is also the actress Francesca Neri who has decided to tell her drama explaining what pathology she is suffering from and why the pain pushed her to even think about ending it all.

The well-known actress, in fact, at some point in her life found herself forced to leave the scene due to a disabling but very little known pathology: interstitial cystitis. A problem that changed her life and which she decided to talk about by even writing a book.

Francesca Neri and the drama that changed her life

There are pains that can be understood only if tried. And among these is the one given by interstitial cystitis. A chronic condition affecting the bladder leading to urinating often and with great difficulty and causing acute pain.

drama actress
(Adobe Stock photo)

A disease that Francesca Neri he said he lived for the past five years, experiencing an acute phase of disease that in three years led her to lose control with reality.

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Because nothing is more powerful than the pain of getting lost inside yourself. And sometimes in this limbo of loneliness, the only desire you have is to close your eyes and stop suffering.

A thought that also struck Neri as she herself told in her book “Come carne viva” where she tells herself in the round, talking about her pathology and telling how it forced her to a deep introspection.

Because when you feel bad and suffer, you close yourself more and more. And you do it, isolating yourself and ending up falling into depression, thus adding problems to problems. A journey that, fortunately, Francesca Neri did not walk alone but with the support of her husband Claudio Amendola who has always stood by her supporting her.

Hers was therefore a long and tiring journey. A path in which she touched the bottom but which in the end she managed to tackle by climbing slowly up the slope. This is why today she says she is more serene and aware of herself and her priorities. Which led her to stop a little longer and evaluate what she really wants for the future.

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Although she misses the creative part of her life, in fact, Neri is still evaluating whether and how to return to TV. Meanwhile, what matters is to have won a battle to the point of being able to talk about it. And all by taking the right distance and rediscovering the new person she has become.

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