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I have to take care of my appearance in order to preserve the homes I opened

The Syrian actress Asala Nasri touched on the issue of humanitarian aid and the ways to provide it to her people, who are suffering from tragic conditions as a result of the devastating earthquake that struck cities in the northwest, causing thousands of deaths, tens of thousands of injuries and millions of homeless people..

Asala and her daughter, Sham Al-Dhahabi, met with the Moulham Volunteer Team, which provides aid in northern Syria, in a live broadcast on the Moolham Team channel on YouTube, and they talked about the “We Are Able” campaign.

Asala said to one of the team members: “I was fortunate to donate part of my concert to your association before I got to know you. When Sham told me, I said, ‘Of course, we are very happy to be with you on the air, encourage you, and tell you that I am happy to hear about you.'”

And she added: “Everyone can provide assistance in his own way. There are people who are able to remove dirt. There are people who must pay money to people to remove this dust. There are people who must be strong and the form of their strength is related to their appearance like me, so that I can suffice and mislead me as the opener of the houses that I opened for many years.” .

She explained: “For this reason, the form of my assistance must be concerned with my appearance. This is not in my hands. This is my job, which I love and respect, and from which I can help and open homes. It is all part of my work, which I consider a form of struggle, similar to the work you do on the ground.”

And she repeated her speech again: “Each one of us offers his assistance in the way he deems appropriate, and if you are not able to dig with your hands, but you are able to pay, you bring the ax and tools to the young man in order to dig, then you contributed, and therefore if I send you money to help the young man, then I contributed with you.”

The Syrian artist indicated that the earthquake that she went through, which resembles a catastrophe today, is the death of her father, as she said: “As for the earthquake that happened in my life when I was a child attached to my father, and he died, it looked like today’s earthquake. We all went through this great event, we all must strengthen.”.

And she asked everyone to be one hand to provide aid and support for children who have lost their families.

She ended her speech by saying, “The situation is very tragic and difficult, and whoever can be strong must be strong and cohesive, and cohesion is much more difficult than collapsing.” (Fuchsia)

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