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“I can’t Breathe Properly”: Effective Biological Agents Answer for Severe Asthma

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“I can’t breathe properly when I lie down.” Effective ‘biological agents’ are the answer for severe asthma

Entered 2024.01.07 09:40 Modified 2024.01.07 11:07

[건강이 최고] All ‘biological agents’ must be covered by health insurance

Patients with severe asthma require long-term treatment for 10 to 20 years, but it is not easy to bear the cost of more than 10 million won per year. Getty Image Bank

“I get scared at night because I can’t breathe properly when I lie down.” This is a complaint from a patient with ‘severe asthma’ who suffers from chronic insomnia due to narrowing of the bronchi, making it difficult to breathe properly.

Asthma is a condition in which the airways become narrowed due to various inflammations, making it difficult to exhale properly, variable expiratory airflow limitation, wheezing, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, coughing, etc. It is a chronic allergic respiratory disease with symptoms.

Among these, ‘severe asthma’ is asthma in which symptoms are not well controlled or frequently worsen severely even with the use of high-dose oral steroids and bronchodilators. According to the 2020 national health statistics, more than 3 out of 100 adults are exposed to asthma, and severe asthma patients are estimated to be about 5 to 10% of all asthma patients (about 100,000 people).

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Patients with severe asthma have difficulty living their daily lives due to extreme shortness of breath, coughing, and expectoration. Even with maximum use of inhaled drugs, these patients cannot be controlled and end up in the emergency room with severe breathing difficulties, are repeatedly hospitalized, and may even lose their lives. The death rate due to asthma per 100,000 people nearly tripled from 4.8 in 2003 to 13.8 in 2015.

Severe asthma occurs when △continuous use of systemic steroid treatment to control asthma symptoms results in resistance, △resistance to steroid treatment, △accompanied by a drug hypersensitivity reaction, △severe asthma with a history of smoking, △neutrophilic or eosinophilic asthma, and △steroid treatment It is classified into those with low reactivity or severe allergic asthma.

Kim Tae-beom, professor of allergy at Asan Medical Center in Seoul (international director of the Korean Society of Asthma and Allergy), said, “The airways of patients with severe asthma are thicker than those of patients with mild asthma, and contain more mucus, fibrous tissue, and inflammatory cells,” adding, “This results in higher capacity.” “Even if inhaled steroids (ICS), long-acting beta-agonists (LABA), or combination drugs are used, symptoms are not controlled and worsen when the treatment dose is reduced,” he said.

For this reason, patients with severe asthma complain of psychological problems such as anxiety (38%) and depression (25%). Daily life is not easy due to worsening symptoms, so the rate of quitting work is 44%, and the period of job interruption is about 7 years.

Asthma is treated with inhaled steroids and bronchodilators. However, since severe asthma cannot be controlled even with the maximum dose of inhaled medication, biological agents are prescribed. Recently, various biological agents that are highly effective in treating severe asthma have been released, and their administration is recommended by the Global Asthma Organization (GINA) and domestic treatment guidelines.

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Professor Kim Tae-beom said, “Biological agents are effective in more than 80% of the 100,000 severe asthma patients, but since they have not been covered by health insurance, the cost of the drug is around 1 to 2 million won per month, so most patients with severe asthma are unable to get proper treatment. “The situation was that I could not receive treatment,” he said.

Biological agents approved in Korea include △Omalizumab △Mepolizumab △Reslizumab △Benlarizumab △Dupilumab. Previously, omalizumab was the only one covered by health insurance, but since last November, it has been expanded to include mepolizumab and reslizumab, providing new hope for patients with severe asthma.

Professor Kim Tae-beom said, “However, not all biological agents are yet covered by health insurance, so these drugs, which are highly effective for patients with severe asthma, are ‘close, but still far away.’” This is because some severe asthma patients cost 10 times more medication than regular asthma patients. This is minus the cost of biological drugs, and if this is included, the difference becomes even greater.

Professor Kim said, “Some patients with severe asthma require long-term treatment for 10 to 20 years, and it is not easy to bear the cost of more than 10 million won per year.” He added, “For this reason, most patients with severe asthma have no choice but to suffer from osteoporosis and high blood pressure. “I am using oral steroids despite the side effects,” he lamented.

Daeik Kwon Medical reporter [email protected]

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2024-01-07 00:40:00

#breathe #properly #lie #Effective #biological #agents #answer #severe #asthma

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