Home » today » Health » “I am 70 years old, I am young for one vaccine and elderly for the other” – Corriere.it

“I am 70 years old, I am young for one vaccine and elderly for the other” – Corriere.it

To have 70 years old today it means being in a phase of life in which the taste has not yet been lost. The taste for friendship, for beautiful things, for dinners out, for a show, for laughter, for the sea. Being 70 today means being, for the most part, in that range of a privileged few who can still afford a certain flexibility in spending and find themselves, among other things, acting as the welfare of the country. Having 70 today means being the most important support for families and grandchildren. Being 70 today, however, also means being in a limbo such that everything above is crystallized, blocked, without a fixed date, the one in which you will be vaccine, which allows not only to resume making plans but also to rediscover a psychological serenity as well as restarting the essential help functions for their families. Yes, although it seems that things will (hopefully shortly) take a positive direction for the vaccination plan, this large segment of the population continues, in a sense, to steal precious time. Time of life and love. And let’s forget the retiree cliché. Among those of this age are people who are perky, successful and busy.

How strong and chic it is Anna Benedetto you can only understand if you meet her in person while managing her business from the headquarters of “The Signs” her galleria, atelier, a shop that represents a point of reference for large families, not only in Turin, who want to furnish their homes. And right here we meet, sitting at more than a safe distance and wearing a mask: «Don’t joke, I’m afraid I’m more afraid now than before. And I’m tired of having to wait for a vaccine that doesn’t arrive and another one that’s not good for my age ». At night he sleeps little, he lingers to hear the political forums, “without taking anything away from the elderly – he explains – I believe that if the issue is to block the virus they should vaccinate us. We still move, we work, we take the trains. We are the ones who can catch and also transmit the virus ». Like everyone, despite his great energy and autonomy, he was so afraid of contracting the Covid and right from the start he was very careful trying to stay at home as much as possible, «I’ve always had an intense social life. At first I missed the cinema, I missed my friends a lot. When I realized that it would last a long time, I put aside the sense of lack and I just thought about protecting myself by trying not to stop my work. With Giorgia and Lucrezia, my daughter and my niece, we are the “three little women”, the greatest relief was our walks in the sun, obviously being careful to stay spaced. This and my lifelong friends with whom I had a telephone connection, are the best memory of these months. Then, alone, I went to the shop to choose the fabrics for my customers ».

Interior designer sought after by the great Turin and European families, Anna Benedetto opened “I Segni” in 72, when she was just divorced and with a one-year-old girl got involved professionally. She was a pupil of the great antiquarian Dani Ghigo, the first who brought oriental art here. American patchworks, Japanese screens, Tantric art, the exhibition on Ligabue first of all, “I organized it right in the days of the Moro kidnapping and unfortunately none of the press took care of us”, Buddhist art, Monica Sangberg’s solo show adored from Umberto Eco and now highly rated. Good taste and culture have brought it to the most beautiful homes in the world. No names, too big and as we know: «A Turin woman must never appear. Few jewels, do not abuse colors, do not raise prices, always a step back ». With the advertising husband Roberto Benedetto they have traveled all over the world and all the auctions, from Sotheby’s to Christie’s, to buy the best of antiques, «The thing I regret most today is travel. Both those for work, usually 3 or 4 a year in Paris and London, and those for pleasure. I miss India, where I’ve been at least ten times. I dream of making the Silk Road as soon as possible ».

February 25, 2021 | 21:10


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