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“Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency Health Service Urges Public to be Aware of Increase in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Cases”

Kandangan (ANTARA) – Health Service of Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency (HSS), South Kalimantan, appealed to residents to be aware of an increase in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF).

“As of May 4 2023, there have been 58 recorded cases of DHF, therefore the public needs to be prepared,” said Head of the HSS District Health Office, Siti Zainab in Kandangan, Sunday.

Zainab said the HSS District Health Office had issued a Circular Letter (SE) regarding preparedness for potential increases in DHF, as well as the HSS Regent’s SE regarding efforts to deal with DHF.

Zainab also asked the community to eradicate mosquito nests (PSN) by draining, closing and burying (3M) plus recycling or utilizing goods, as well as using mosquito repellents.

In addition, the community should also activate the one house one larva monitoring program (jumantik) to monitor mosquito larvae at home, as well as assess potential risk factors for DHF in the surrounding environment.

Regarding stunting cases, the HSS District Health Office applies two treatment models, namely specific and sensitive interventions.

“For specific interventions, we at the Health Office specifically do it intensively, starting with young women by giving iron tablets, when they get married they go to the health center with immunizations,” said Zainab.

Then, when pregnant women immediately check their pregnancy at a health facility, bring the baby to Posyandu, get immunized, and be given exclusive breast milk (ASI).

In addition, for school children, periodic checks are carried out at school, as well as efforts to provide additional food.

Head of Public Health and Health Information Systems (Kesmas and SIK) of the HSS District Health Office, Daru Priyanto, added that there were no fatalities from the 58 cases of dengue fever in the district.

“There are no reports of deaths due to dengue, and the number of dengue cases in HSS district is increasing by the fifth month of this year,” said Daru.

Also read: In the last four months, 26 cases of dengue have been found in Batanghari
Also read: The North Sumatra Health Office asks the public to be vigilant about DHF immediately to the doctor if they have a fever
Also read: Dengue Day 2023: South Kalimantan increases vigilance because there are more than 600 cases

Preacher: Imam Hanafi/fatur
Editor: Guido Merung

2023-05-06 21:27:27
#Hulu #Sungai #Selatan #Regency #Government #urges #residents #aware #increase #dengue #cases #ANTARA #News

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