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How to take care of mouth ulcer-free lips and cavity, avoid irritating foods

Editor: Mona Andriani

TRIBUNBATAM.id – Lip and mouth can be treated to prevent it sprue.

Thrush is an inflammatory condition that commonly occurs in lip and oral cavity.

Symptoms of occurrence sprue from burning sensation, sores and redness, swelling, stinging and pain.

Symptoms sprue This can cause a person to have difficulty speaking, difficulty eating and drinking, and difficulty moving the oral cavity.

It feels like activities can be really disturbed when we experience it canker sores, especially if you are in the area lip and the oral cavity, making it difficult for us to speak, eat, drink, and so on.

Well, then what are the ways to prevent it from arising sprue in the area?

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Avoid Irritating Foods

If we are fond of consuming spicy and sour food, you should reduce it, girls.

Avoid eating foods that are irritating, such as foods that are too spicy and acidic.

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