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How to Speed Up Your Metabolism and Burn Fat: 6 Simple Tips

With an efficient metabolism, you can easily maintain a healthy weight, burn fat and feel more confident and stronger by building a healthy muscle mass. At the same time, you enjoy better mental concentration and have more energy throughout the day without the midday syncopes that push many to a cup of coffee to last the second half of the day, notes Mind Body Green.

JJ Virgin, nutritionist, reviews some signs of a slow metabolism and offers some tricks for revitalizing the metabolism that result in weight loss, improved concentration and increased energy.

What is metabolism

In general, metabolism refers to all the processes in the body that convert the calories (that is, the energy) from the food you eat into energy that you use as fuel.

The phrase slow metabolism often implies that these internal processes work on a slower system – one that favors storing energy (or calories) rather than burning them.

And most people have room for improvement in terms of optimizing metabolism. Only 12% of the population in the United States is considered metabolically healthy, according to a 2019 study.

Here are some signs that indicate that you fall into this category:

Signs of a slow metabolism

These are the most common signs of slow metabolism. Check if you have the following symptoms:

1. You gain weight and you don’t get rid of it

With a slow metabolism, annoying excess weight starts to become visible around the waist. You will see that the fitness routines and diets that once worked have zero effect. It’s a fairly common situation and that’s why the nutritionist called it “resistance to weight loss”.

2. Bloating and gas

If you have such problems after eating, you are not alone. Up to 70 million Americans suffer from a digestive problem, including heartburn, acid reflux and indigestion. This can lead to body pain, nutrient deficiencies, fatigue, inflammation and a slow metabolism.

5 signs of a slow metabolism and how you can speed it up

3. Hormonal imbalances

When your metabolism is slow, your hormones can also get out of balance. Among them are hormones that regulate appetite, blood sugar, sleep and stress. This causes your hair and skin to dry out. And if your extremities get cold quickly, here is another signal that your metabolism has slowed down.

4. Glucose imbalance

Signs of blood sugar imbalance include cravings for sweets and the need to eat every few hours. Otherwise, you become hungry and growl at everyone around you while devouring whatever food you can find. After your blood sugar rises, you have no energy left, your mind slows down and you have an overwhelming need for sleep around 3:00 p.m.

If any of these scenarios sound familiar, don’t worry, there are some answers for you!

How to speed up your metabolism and burn fat:

The body is not like a bank, rather it is a chemical laboratory. When it comes to losing weight, the key is not just how many calories go in and how many go out. The foods you eat and your lifestyle choices send your body good signals or signals that can cause damage. It sounds discouraging, but it’s actually good news. Because when you know what you have to do, you can take control and reset your metabolism. Here are some tricks that will help you improve your metabolism:

1. Optimize your meal schedule

Avoid the kitchen after dinner to fast for 12-14 hours during the night. This will prepare your body to burn fat the next morning.

Also, try to eat an hour or two after waking up. The body is more metabolically active in the morning and burns calories more efficiently. This will help you prevent a carousel of blood sugar and syncope of energy and mood.

If you nibble something between meals and eat every 4-6 hours, you avoid constant insulin spikes and allow the body to use fat stores for energy. To keep your appetite in check, make sure you consume healthy fats and fibers at every meal.

2. Get rid of food intolerances

Food intolerances cause a cascade of medical problems, including gout, immune reactions, and chronic inflammation that affects metabolism. By eliminating the biggest culprits – usually gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, corn, peanuts and sweeteners – many people can lose up to seven kilograms in the first week.

3. Drink a lot of water

It has been proven that hydration increases metabolism by 30%. A dehydration of only 2% can affect the capacity for effort and attention, hastening the onset of fatigue. So make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. The only time you can reduce the consumption of liquids is when you eat, so as not to dilute the enzymes that break down the food.

How long can you really speed up your metabolism and 5 tricks to apply

4. Do movement that burns calories

There is no need to spend hours on end on the treadmill. Endurance exercise practiced excessively, such as running for several kilometers, can put pressure on the body (leading to loss of muscle mass) and can stress the immune system. This type of movement has many benefits (including reducing stress and anxiety, as well as burning calories immediately), but you shouldn’t just focus on it.

To push your body into fat-burning mode and stimulate your metabolism, try doing very intense training intervals. When this type of movement is the first thing you do in the morning, you will cause a deficit of oxygen that the body needs throughout the day, which will lead to a greater burning of fats.

5. Control stress

Stress is inevitable in our lives, but when it becomes chronic, cortisol starts to work against you by reducing muscle mass, accumulating fat and insulin resistance. To stimulate the metabolism, make stress reduction a priority: use meditation, take time to relax, rest.

6. Get enough sleep

Make sure you sleep between seven and nine hours every night. This will stimulate fat burning and calm the hormones that contribute to the feeling of hunger.

Studies shows that sleep deprivation can prevent weight loss, even if you follow an adequate diet. A single night of sleep deprivation affects your metabolism, which leads to weight gain and problems with blood sugar.

Now it’s your turn! Follow these tips to improve your metabolism and keep yourself in the best shape at any age!

Photo: freepik.com

2023-11-08 05:45:07
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