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How to Get Rid of Nausea Due to Stress: Expert Tips & Solutions

Whether it is due to deadlines at work, exam stress or simply the hectic everyday life: nausea due to stress can affect us all. But fear not! In this article, we take a closer look at the causes of nausea due to stress and share some useful tips to get rid of it once and for all.

Can stress make you feel nauseous?

‘Absolutely, stress can take various forms, of which physical symptoms such as nausea are an example. This response is caused by the complex interaction between the brain and the body during stressful situations,” explains Aäron Spapens, lifestyle physician at OpenUp Medical out.

Under stress, your sympathetic nervous system activates the ‘fight or flight‘ response, which can reduce blood flow to certain organs to conserve energy. ‘Your digestive system is not a priority right now. Digestion is slowed, which can cause nausea,” he continues. In addition, your sympathetic nervous system releases stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, which enable your body to respond to the danger. ‘Your stomach can be particularly sensitive to the substance cortisol. That can make you feel nauseous.’ Worrying at night and during your sleep can also contribute to the feeling of nausea when you wake up in the morning.

Finally, according to Spapens, the ‘vagus nerve’, a long nerve that runs from the brain to various organs, plays an important role. ‘With persistent stress, the activation of this nerve slows down, which is associated with nausea.’

Can nausea be psychological?

Emotional stress, anxiety, depression and other psychological factors can lead to physical symptoms such as nausea. The connection between the mind and the body is complex, and psychological stress can affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in nausea without a direct physical cause. It is important to consider both the physical and psychological aspects of health when evaluating symptoms such as nausea.

Spapens gives some examples:

  • Strong emotions – Intense emotions, such as anxiety (a form of severe stress), can lead to nausea. This can take many forms, perhaps you experience tension before a match, you hear bad news or you experience something horrible. The stress and anxiety that comes with this can make you feel nauseous.
  • Eating Disorder – People with an eating disorder have a disturbed relationship with food. Due to their disturbed relationship with food, they may experience excessive or non-real nausea. ‘People without eating disorders can also experience this type of nausea with specific foods,’ says Spapens. ‘This is then called a phobia, because in fact it refers back to fear.’

Lidewy Hendriks, psychologist, wants to join us MIND, would like to add something. “It’s often said that something is ‘in your head’, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there,” she emphasizes. ‘The cause is just less visible or less demonstrable.’

What to do against nausea due to stress?

It is important to note that the response to stress can vary from person to person. ‘One person gets nauseous more quickly, another is more likely to suffer from headaches and another gets a skin rash,’ says Hendriks. Managing stress levels through relaxation techniques, regular exercise and healthy lifestyle habits can help reduce stress-related nausea. If symptoms persist or are severe, it is wise to seek professional medical advice.

‘If the cause of your nausea is stress, you naturally want the opposite. The most important thing is therefore more relaxation. “If you continue with what you were doing, you will get what you got,” says Rianne Toenhake, lifestyle doctor at OpenUp Medical. ‘If you want change, you have to make changes in your lifestyle.’ Explore all opportunities to make profits for yourself. What are activities that can help you relax? We list a number of possible solutions for you:

  • Tackle the stress – ‘It is best if you manage to tackle the cause of the stress, so that you experience less stress in your life. Unfortunately, that is not always possible,” says Hendriks. Examples of this are the death of a loved one or when someone else has done something very bad to you.
  • Breathing exercises Take deep breaths regularly to help your body relax. This reduces tension in your stomach and can prevent nausea.
  • Exercise Regular exercise not only helps reduce stress but also promotes healthy digestion. A simple walk can work wonders.
  • Hydration Stay hydrated to avoid dehydration, which can worsen nausea. Opt for herbal or ginger tea, known for their calming properties.
  • Healthy food Eat light, nutritious meals to avoid further burdening your digestive system. Avoid high-fat and highly spicy foods during stressful periods.
  • Offline modus – Provide more screen-free periods, such as the first 2 hours after waking up or the last 3 hours before going to sleep. Who knows, you might even suffer from cybersickness.
  • Time management Plan your tasks effectively and take frequent breaks to avoid becoming overwhelmed. This can help reduce stress in the long term.
  • Relaxation techniques Try techniques such as yoga, meditation or mindfulness to calm your mind and reduce stress. These are the best relaxation techniques that help with stress.
  • Seek support Talk to friends, family or a professional if you are experiencing stress. Sharing your feelings can be a great relief.

What to do if you vomit due to stress

Vomiting due to stress can be a traumatic and unpleasant experience. It’s crucial to listen to your body and seek help if these symptoms of stress persist. If you experience frequent or severe vomiting due to stress, it is advisable to consult a doctor, health professional or therapist.

The tips above can also help prevent vomiting or vomiting due to nausea. The three experts also advise taking the following points into account:

  • Cold compresses Place a cold compress on your forehead or neck. This can help lower your body temperature and make you feel calmer.
  • Take some rest Sometimes fatigue can contribute to stress-related symptoms.
  • Provide relaxation – Listen to soothing music, read a book or try relaxation exercises.
  • Eat light meals When you feel ready to eat something, choose light, easily digestible meals so as not to further burden your stomach.

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2024-01-19 15:27:01
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