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How to deal with burnout at work. Psychologist’s advice

Chinese psychologist Mao Xun described how to deal with burnout at work.

The psychologist compiled a list of tips that will certainly help not to lose your grip and do the job quickly and efficiently, even with enormous loads.

Note that burnout is a state of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion that results from prolonged or prolonged stress.

Most of all people involved in constant communication, in working with numbers, text, and ideas are prone to burnout.

The decline in productivity, which is reflected in the results of work, frequent quarrels with loved ones, increased irritability, depression, chronic fatigue, insomnia are symptoms of burnout that lead to mental problems.

For example, the writer recommends that the writer, copywriters, journalists, television people at least three times a month change the situation: move to another party, change their occupation, find a hobby that is not related to everyday work.

Five minute ritual

Start your morning right: imagine how overwhelming tasks are easy for you, work is fun.

Think about how you could thank yourself for this day.

Ignore negative people

Any negative is fed by human energy, the more such people surround you, the more troubles occur.

Therefore, it is very important to communicate with friendly people, which will allow you to stay in a good mood.

Walk more often and go outdoors

Scientific studies have proven: being in nature changes the human energy, reinforcing the idea – “people are an integral part of the environment.

In addition, regular walks make it possible to provide the body with the necessary nutrients, such as vitamin D and nitric oxide, the latter playing a major role in the blood circulation, immune system and brain functions.

Look at one point

The psychologist claims that in this way the brain can be freed from various unnecessary thoughts.

Love each other

Do not neglect the love of loved ones. The psychologist explains: physical contact with another person is important – helps prevent burnout.

Moreover, with kisses, hugs, intimacy, a person’s blood pressure decreases, and the level of oxytocin, a substance of love, friendship and trust, rises.

Try to eat right, eat more fruits and vegetables, less meat and foods with healthy fats.

Do not ignore sports and exercises – it also gives vigor and energy.

Photo: Pixabay

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