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Housing in towns is 52% cheaper than in capital cities – idealista / news

The confinement derived from coronavirus has caused teleworking has become a viable alternative for many citizens. Spain is one of the countries with the largest fiber network in Europe, which could favor the displacement of many workers to small municipalities in search of more habitable environments and, above all, of a much cheaper home price.

Buying a home in a municipality with less than 5,000 inhabitants in Spain it is a 51.8% cheaper than the national average, according to a study published by Idealista. Buying a home in one of these towns has a price of 834 euros / m2, while the average price of capitals in Spain was located in June in 1.729 euros / m2.

Even so, the differences between small municipalities and capitals vary throughout the Spanish geography. The biggest discount is in the province of Barcelona, where the towns have a price 69.1% lower than the capital. Follow him Madrid (68.5% cheaper), Sevilla (68% cheaper), Saint Sebastian (65.6% cheaper), A Coruña (63.3% cheaper), Salamanca (62.5% cheaper), Granada (-61%) and Zaragoza (-60.8%).

On the contrary, the provinces in which teleworkers would have less economic incentives to leave the capital would be Lleida (5.3% cheaper in towns than in the capital), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (-6.5%), Murcia ( -12%), Palma (-14.9%) and Castellón (-19.8%).

The Balearic Islands is the community in which homes in small municipalities have a more expensive square meter: 2,607 euros. It is followed by the towns of Vizcaya (1,732 euros / m2), Girona (1,688 euros / m2), Guipúzcoa (1,663 euros / m2), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (1,380 euros / m2) and Barcelona (1,283 euros / m2). In Madrid the price stands at 1,137 euros / m2.

At the opposite extreme are the less populated localities of Ciudad Real (542 euros / m2), Cuenca (553 euros / m2), Zamora (557 euros / m2) and Toledo (573 euros / m2).

province Price in towns of <5,000 inhabitants. (euros / m2) Capital Price in provincial capital (euros / m2) Difference
Spain 834 Spain 1.729 -51,8%
Albacete 600 Albacete 1.328 -54,8%
Alicante 1.058 Alicante / Alacant 1.556 -32,0%
Almeria 727 Almeria 1.145 -36,5%
Araba / Álava 1.188 Vitoria-Gasteiz 2.318 -48,8%
Asturias 950 Oviedo 1.502 -36,7%
Ávila 680 Ávila 1.096 -38,0%
Badajoz 624 Badajoz 1.147 -45,6%
Balearic Islands, Islands 2.607 Palma 3.063 -14,9%
Barcelona 1.283 Barcelona 4.153 -69,1%
Bizkaia 1.732 Bilbao 3.021 -42,7%
Burgos 683 Burgos 1.578 -56,7%
Cáceres 620 Cáceres 1.112 -44,3%
Cádiz 1.214 Cádiz 2.368 -48,7%
Cantabria 1.018 Santander 1.898 -46,4%
Castellón / Castelló 843 Castellón de la Plana 1.051 -19,8%
Real city 542 Real city 1.112 -51,2%
Córdoba 675 Córdoba 1.438 -53,0%
Coruña, A 776 A coruña 2.113 -63,3%
Cuenca 553 Cuenca 1.078 -48,7%
Gipuzkoa 1.663 Saint Sebastian 4.834 -65,6%
Girona 1.688 Girona 2.149 -21,5%
Granada 715 Granada 1.831 -61,0%
Guadalajara 684 Guadalajara 1.345 -49,1%
Huelva 834 Huelva 1.101 -24,2%
Huesca 902 Huesca 1.211 -25,5%
Jaén 577 Jaén 1.150 -49,8%
Lion 631 Lion 1.328 -52,5%
Lleida 908 Lleida 958 -5,3%
Lugo 766 Lugo 1.262 -39,3%
Madrid 1.137 Madrid 3.608 -68,5%
Málaga 1.086 Málaga 2.170 -50,0%
Murcia 924 Murcia 1.050 -12,0%
Navarra 932 Pamplona 2.198 -57,6%
Ourense 616 Ourense 1.387 -55,6%
Palencia 598 Palencia 1.352 -55,8%
Palmas, Las 1.198 Las Palmas de GC 1.938 -38,2%
Pontevedra 878 Pontevedra 1.573 -44,1%
Rioja, The 763 Logroño 1.556 -51,0%
Salamanca 620 Salamanca 1.650 -62,5%
Santa Cruz of Tenerife 1.380 SC of Tenerife 1.477 -6,5%
Segovia 828 Segovia 1.549 -46,6%
Sevilla 665 Sevilla 2.077 -68,0%
Soria 699 Soria 1.309 -46,6%
Tarragona 853 Tarragona 1.751 -51,3%
Teruel 694 Teruel 1.101 -37,0%
Toledo 573 Toledo 1.366 -58,0%
Valencia 762 Valencia 1.861 -59,0%
Valladolid 636 Valladolid 1.483 -57,1%
Zamora 557 Zamora 1.175 -52,6%
Zaragoza 617 Zaragoza 1.575 -60,8%

Prices slightly higher

Despite the fact that prices in Spain have dropped 4.8% in the last year, municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants have seen their owners’ expectations rise 6.2% in the same time.

Only the rural areas of 5 provinces have seen their prices fall in the last 12 months: Seville (-5.4%), Álava (-3.2%), Toledo (-2.7%), Tarragona (-2, 3%) and A Coruña (-0.1%). In Cantabria and Madrid, prices have remained stable, with increases of 0.2% and 0.7%, respectively.

Badajoz is the province in which the towns have increased their price the most, with 21.4%; a variation similar to that registered by Castellón (21.2%). They are followed by Soria (17.9%), Salamanca (16.4%), Teruel (14.9%), Ávila (14.1%) and Cuenca (13.3%).

Housing price evolution in towns with <5,000 inhabitants. Province 06/01/2019 (euros / m2) 06/01/2020 (euros / m2) Difference
Spain 786 834 6,2%
Albacete 548 600 9,6%
Alicante 968 1.058 9,3%
Almeria 679 727 7,1%
Araba / Álava 1.228 1.188 -3,2%
Asturias 940 950 1,1%
Ávila 596 680 14,1%
Badajoz 514 624 21,4%
Balearic Islands, Islands 2.562 2.607 1,7%
Barcelona 1.245 1.283 3,1%
Bizkaia 1.692 1.732 2,4%
Burgos 636 683 7,5%
Cáceres 589 620 5,3%
Cádiz 1.113 1.214 9,1%
Cantabria 1.016 1.018 0,2%
Castellón / Castelló 696 843 21,2%
Real city 484 542 12,0%
Córdoba 655 675 3,1%
Coruña, A 777 776 -0,1%
Cuenca 488 553 13,3%
Gipuzkoa 1.612 1.663 3,2%
Girona 1.621 1.688 4,1%
Granada 686 715 4,2%
Guadalajara 639 684 7,0%
Huelva 781 834 6,8%
Huesca 856 902 5,5%
Jaén 567 577 1,8%
Lion 564 631 11,9%
Lleida 838 908 8,3%
Lugo 684 766 12,0%
Madrid 1.129 1.137 0,7%
Málaga 1.064 1.086 2,0%
Murcia 857 924 7,8%
Navarra 900 932 3,6%
Ourense 569 616 8,2%
Palencia 540 598 10,7%
Palmas, Las 1.072 1.198 11,8%
Pontevedra 863 878 1,7%
Rioja, The 724 763 5,5%
Salamanca 532 620 16,4%
Santa Cruz of Tenerife 1.328 1.380 3,9%
Segovia 785 828 5,5%
Sevilla 702 665 -5,4%
Soria 593 699 17,9%
Tarragona 874 853 -2,3%
Teruel 604 694 14,9%
Toledo 589 573 -2,7%
Valencia / Valencia 719 762 6,1%
Valladolid 603 636 5,5%
Zamora 523 557 6,4%
Zaragoza 579 617 6,6%

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