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Hilarious Cat Mishap: Owners Call Police to Close Freezer Door

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What to do if no one is home and the cat opens the freezer? Admittedly: a highly unlikely scenario. But that’s exactly what happened.

The first question you’re probably asking yourself is: How can a cat open the freezer? And the second: How do the owners even know about it if no one is at home? Oh well. For question one you have to go a little further, more on that later. And the answer to question two is quickly found: the surveillance camera recorded everything on video. But first things first.

Cat jumps onto the wall cupboards – the mishap happens with its hind paws

While her owners are on vacation, a cat accidentally opens the freezer door. (Symbolic image) © Pond 5 Images/Imago

It’s 4:10 p.m. on a Friday afternoon. The surveillance camera is running in the kitchen and records an event that causes a lot of commotion among a family. Because the owners aren’t even there and actually just want to enjoy the vacation. But your indoor cat apparently has other plans. With one leap she jumps from the kitchen counter onto the free-standing refrigerator. From there the velvet paw wants to go up to the wall cupboards.

And this is exactly where things get strange: As she pushes herself with her hind legs, the freezer door pops open. Because their paws are right on the flap. This would also clarify the first question. But what happens next? Ultimately, the cat doesn’t come up with the idea of ​​closing the compartment again on its own. Although, judging by her puzzled look, she at least thinks about it for a second.

Owners are on vacation and ask the police for help – in the middle of the night

Next scene, same perspective, 1:29 a.m.: The freezer is still open. Now two police officers enter the house. One of them closes the door on the refrigerator, the other familiarizes himself with the cat that sits on the stairs and watches the men half suspiciously, half curiously.

The owners are of course aware of the extraordinary deployment of the police. When they saw the incident on tape at 1 a.m., they quickly asked the officers for help with their cat’s mishap. “I told them to feel free to yell at them on the way out and to get a dog instead,” jokes the owner at the end of the video posted on the TikTok channel allthewhilekyle you can see.

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People online are laughing their heads off and celebrating the police’s helpfulness

People are reacting with numerous comments to the video, which now has 4.6 million views. The idea of ​​calling the cops at 1 a.m. for an open freezer makes the community laugh out loud. “That’s so funny when they came in like disappointed fathers,” one user jokes with amusement. But many others think the rapid deployment of the police is just great. The family is also happy that the officials were so helpful. “You saved us an hour-long drive and a huge waste of time on our vacation.” Here is a selection of the comments:

“You called the cops?!!!! 😂““Note: I’ll tape the fridge shut when I go on vacation.”“The stare [Anm. d. Red.: der Katze] on the open door is priceless. 😂””The police in my city literally don’t even come to crime scenes when you call them.””I can’t imagine what these cops are thinking when they get a call at 1:30 in the morning saying they’ve broken the freezer should close to someone. 💀”“Imagine getting a call. Then you come and the cat greets you with, ‘Oh, thanks for coming, officer.’ 🥰”“My cat did this and thawed everything in my freezer. Now I have a baby hatch on it. 😂”
2023-09-10 05:25:32
#Cat #opens #freezer #compartment #police #called #action

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