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Hezbollah chief guarantees shock for Israel

His supporters greet Hezbollah Secretary Normal Hassan Nasrallah throughout a speech. Image / REUTERS

BEIRUT – Hezbollah Secretary Normal Hassan Nasrallah insists that Israel has not achieved any objectives within the battle within the Gaza Strip, as their very own leaders admit.

Nasrallah additionally promised a “shock” from his group for Israel. This was given in a televised speech to commemorate the twenty fourth anniversary of the Day of Resistance and Liberation in Lebanon on Might 25 every year.

Nasrallah emphasised, “The enemy couldn’t obtain his objectives, and this was acknowledged by the chairman of the Nationwide Safety Council of Israel (Tzachi Hanegbi).

On Wednesday, Hanegbi informed a gathering of the Knesset Safety and International Affairs Committee, “We didn’t obtain any of the strategic objectives of the battle, as a result of we didn’t attain an settlement to withdraw the enemies, we didn’t we kicked out Hamas, and we made a deal. they didn’t permit the folks (Jewish settlers) within the Gaza Strip to return to their houses safely.”

He stated that the military’s estimates present that the achievement of the aims of the battle, “It’s going to take a very long time, not a yr, however a few years.”

In his speech, Nasrallah assessed, “The popularity of the Palestinian state by a number of European nations is a superb loss for the aggressors.”

He stated, “This recognition is taken into account one of many outcomes of the battle of Al-Aqsa Storm,” referring to the assaults launched by Palestinian teams on Israeli army bases and settlements round Gaza on October 7, 2023 .

On Wednesday, three European nations (Eire, Spain and Norway) introduced official recognition of the Palestinian state, whereas different nations, corresponding to Slovenia and Malta, introduced their willingness to take the identical step.

Nasrallah additionally stated, “One of many outcomes of the Al-Aqsa Storm and the persistence of the opposition is that immediately Israel seems earlier than the ICC,” after the court docket’s prosecutor, Karim Khan, tried to challenge arrest warrants. issued towards Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. and Protection Minister Yoav Gallant for battle crimes in Gaza.

He stated, “Israel has by no means revered worldwide resolutions. They launched their most violent assault within the metropolis of Rafah after the ICJ ruling.

Earlier on Friday, the ICJ issued new interim measures asking Israel to right away cease its assaults on Rafah, preserve the Rafah Crossing open to get assist into Gaza and to submit a report back to the court docket inside a month on the steps he has taken.


2024-05-26 07:03:49
#Hezbollah #chief #guarantees #shock #Israel

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