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here’s how to do it, diet and exercise

Losing weight after childbirth or breastfeeding is easy and possible, although childbirth is, in fact, one of the most exciting moments in a woman’s life, the accumulated pounds become a source of stress and anxiety for many.

Lose weight after childbirth, it’s not hard to just follow one balanced diet in order to take all the nutritional principles needed by the new mother but above all to the newborn and do a light physical activity with simple exercises and long walks.

Lose weight after childbirth and breastfeeding:

How to lose weight after childbirth and breastfeeding: Among the many popular beliefs and urban legends, one of the most widespread, states that if the baby is born in 9 months, it takes as many months to start losing the first pounds.

Although this statement may be partly true, it is important that the mother focuses on a child in the first few months following the birth of her child. balanced diet without depriving yourself of any type of food, except for those contraindicated in the breastfeeding period, and keep fit with simple and practical daily physical exercises such as a walk or a brisk walk, perhaps accompanied by the baby in a wheelchair.

So let’s see some useful tips and advice on how to lose weight after childbirth.

Losing weight after childbirth: what to eat and avoid?

Losing weight after childbirth is possible, but only if you follow a correct and balanced diet and integrate all the nutrients such as iron, proteins and calcium, which are essential for the baby during the breastfeeding phase.

So to lose weight safely, you must first of all never skip meals, and also have two snacks in the middle of the morning and mid-afternoon, in this way it will be easier to arrive at lunch or dinner, without the classic peckishness in the stomach.

Another important tip is not to skip breakfast, because it always remains the most important meal of the whole day for both mother and baby.

Foods to avoid to lose weight after childbirth: If after giving birth, you want to get back in shape immediately, you must avoid taking unhealthy or excessively fatty foods in the diet, because in addition to making weight loss difficult, they would also compromise the health of the baby, if he were breastfed.

So after the part it would be better to avoid refined desserts, packaged and too elaborate, fried and complex foods such as eggplant parmigiana, baked pasta, and instead opt for a simple plate of spaghetti with raw tomatoes, 1 drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a spoonful of parmesan.

Then avoid coffee, but in general all drinks containing caffeine and sugars.

Losing weight after childbirth what to eat? A little bit of everything but in moderation, preferring white meat and fresh fish, limit the consumption of pasta, bread and carbohydrates, take lots of fruit and vegetables, and legumes but be careful of any colic of the breastfeeding baby.

Then you need to drink a lot of water, at least two liters a day, to help the body expel toxins, water retention and deflate the belly, buttocks and thighs. Maybe help yourself with natural herbal teas.

Losing weight after breastfeeding: physical exercises

To lose weight after breastfeeding, unfortunately, a balanced diet is not enough, because what really makes the difference in weight loss and the extra pounds left by pregnancy is undoubtedly physical exercise.

Obviously, let’s talk about one light physical activity, as it is necessary to give the body the possibility to recover from the stress of pregnancy. So in the first months following the birth of the baby, a walk of 20 – 30 minutes a day may be enough, and what could be more beautiful than a walk with your baby in a wheelchair?

Also with the child, it is also possible to follow a course in the pool, which will be a prerequisite for the child thanks to the CD. adaptation in water, and very effective in strengthening the physique, bones and immune system, without forgetting the fun.

If, on the other hand, swimming or walking outside aren’t your thing, it’s possible lose weight after breastfeeding with physical exercises ad hoc, such as the elliptical bike, yoga, pilates whose exercises can be copied from the many video tutorials on the internet.

In any case, regardless of the pounds that must be lost after childbirth, it must always be kept in mind that losing weight after childbirth must not turn into various stress or anxieties, because this would harm not only the new mother but also, and above all , to the child.

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