Home » today » Entertainment » Here are Mitsotakis’ properties No. 40 and No. 41 – On Documento on Sunday – Together with Docville – 2024-04-07 08:37:42

Here are Mitsotakis’ properties No. 40 and No. 41 – On Documento on Sunday – Together with Docville – 2024-04-07 08:37:42

Revelation: The purchase contracts of the two plots of land in Zagori.

The prime minister while he owes millions continues his real estate investments.

He acquired an even and buildable plot of 412.7 sq.m. and a “blind” 248.06 sq.m. and immediately put them together.

What did he do to prevent them from being declared and appearing in the 2022 Pothen Esshes.

After the purchase and following his actions, the area was declared an “infallible mountain” and joined UNESCO.

Aghii Anargyri: Country-cloudy Sunday. A storm of complaints from abused women addressed to police stations. The shocking case of 28-year-old Kyriaki Griva was not an isolated incident.

Zaharoula Tsirigoti: “Everything went wrong.” The lieutenant general e.a. of ELAS highlights one by one the criminal negligence of the police officers at the Agioi Anargyro police station.

Spartans: Countdown, skulls fall. The 3+1 scenarios for the future of the Lacedaemonians after the Arei Pago persecutions. When is the decision of the Electoral Court expected?

Wiretapping: Will Androulakis file lawsuits? Slap from the CoE on the Ciara amendment.

Third Age: Proud but unsatisfied old age… The pensions are not enough for the whole month and for all the medicines.

Justice: On the stool are tax officials who used to write off fines for “independents”. They are accused that in the period 2012-14 they damaged the public with at least €7.5 million.

Tempe: The investigator confirms the clearance and the clearance. His order demolishes the government’s narrative that evidence from the accident scene was not tampered with

Blind survey: They haven’t asked for the firefighter interviews yet. The appellant did not take critical data despite the relatives’ request.

Health: New Adonis tax for patients. Cuts even in oncology drugs

Businesses: Party for adults, suffocation for children and workers

Turkey: Countdown to ‘Sultan’?

Marijuana… start: Full liberalization of cannabis in Germany

Measure… in measure: Extension of the electronic identification through gov.gr to enter the stadiums

“The vision for a just society remains dominant” – Yiannis Houvardas in Docville

Shortly before the premiere of Bertold Brecht’s pioneering and once banned by the Nazis opera “The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahogany” at the National Opera, Katerina Angelidaki spoke with Yiannis Houvardas about the delightfully flaming Brechtian universe.

Irini Driva went to the rehearsal of the play “Cassetta” by Loula Anagnostaki, staged by Manos Karatzogiannis, and they talked about the great writer and the great deeds dreamed of by her heroes.

About the two Marikes, Papagika and Nino, but also about the wandering of women in Greek song, composer Giorgos Andreou and Antonis Boskoitis had a conversation. The occasion is the musical theater performance of Andreos and the lyricist Odysseus Ioannou, entitled “Marika me dirane – Marika me zajtane”.

Amy Durou met the British Cypriot writer Alex Michaelides and they discussed literature and cinema since his books will be made into films, starring his good friend Uma Thurman.

Iraklis Logothetis saw the performance “The most beautiful body that has ever been found in this place” by Joseph Maria Miro directed by Zoe Xanthopoulos with Argyris Xafis in an acting tour de force.

Konstantinos Kaimakis reminds us of when Marlon Brando met Charlie Chaplin’s idol for the movie “The Countess of Hong Kong”. The experience was a huge disappointment.

Amy Durou saw the series North water, set in the vast whiteness of the Arctic, currently showing on Cinobo, and recommends it because “the plot, the pacing, the dialogue, the acting and the direction are so well done and complete, but and as tied together as we rarely get the chance to see in a television series.”

Giorgos-Ikaros Babasakis takes a wander in the cultural zone this week, pointing out “of course, I consider “I like / I don’t like” and “de gustibus non disputandum est” to be outdated rhetoric when dealing with creations that provoke explosions in the skull, shifting our position in the world by even a millionth of an inch…”

Painting and life lessons were given by Giannis Tsarouchis in the lectures given by Giannis Tsarouchis in Chios in 1981 and published in a book. Amy Durrow writes.

Lives in the arena. Chrysoula Papaioannou writes.

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