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Here are 5 Valuable Lessons Shown the Month

A FEW days ago a casual visit to the beach turned into a rare spectacle, the moon rising and the waves below dancing and sparkling in the moonlight. The moon was bright and I just stood there hypnotized by the divine beauty.

As I completely immersed myself in this dazzling sight, I discovered 5 amazing moon-inspired life lessons:

1. We know that the moon goes through phases of enlarging and fading each month, as it gets bigger, the moon gradually increases towards the full moon while in its waning phase it diminishes and gives way to the new moon. And by the command of Allah this miracle happens every month without blemish. We humans also experience associated cycles of growth and failure, just as the moon gradually rises and overcomes darkness on a full moon day, we also grow each day as persons until we reach our full potential. And as the moon shrinks and makes way for the new moon every two weeks, we must also let all the darkness within us diminish, and embrace the new us.

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2. The Moon also taught us this great life lesson that Allah (SWT) has blessed each of us with the opportunity to shine and enjoy our own glory. Likewise, every celestial body be it star or moon or sun is endowed with its own beauty and attains full splendor only at the appointed time and not even a second beforehand. Sometimes it may take weeks, months or even years for this phenomenon to occur but it will definitely happen and when it does it will be truly heavenly and worth the wait.

3. Allah (SWT) has mentioned in the Qur’an, – “The sun also cannot follow the moon, and night does not precede day. Each one floats in an orbit ”- Qur’an 36:40. Each of us has been created in perfect harmony and with unique strengths and a different path to follow. Just as the moon does not overtake the sun or vice versa, Allah (SWT) has created each of us with unique characteristics so that we can live side by side in peace. So, what we need to do is commit and accept where we are today on this journey and ensure that we don’t transcend each other.

4. Most of our time is spent focusing on mundane or trivial things. Sometimes we get so lost in the daily grind that we forget to admire and enjoy the beauty of nature around us. The sun rises, the moon rises, the eclipse happens regularly, but how often do we stop and reflect on this miracle. In fact, as Allah SWT said, “Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of day and night, there are signs for those who have intelligence.” So, what we see is what we get, and in the transition of the moon we have some intuitive messages – what we need to do is pay more attention to our environment, because if we look around us, we are bound to find meaning and fulfillment. in the most unexpected places.

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5. Like the moon, we must feel confident because even though we have a flaw, it shines more than the stars and planets in the night sky. At every stage she flaunts her imperfect beauty. As humans, no matter how imperfect or flawed we are, it is this hurt and vulnerability that makes us who we are. All these imperfections that surround us make us reflect and introspect and affirm that Allah (SWT) has created everything perfectly and with a purpose.

“(Such is) the deed of Allah who made everything firmly; surely Allah is Aware of what you do. ” (QS An Naml: 88)

So the next time you see the moon just pause and admire its grace, appreciate its imperfections and transitions, see it as a beacon of hope and find solace in its existence. []


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