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Health Network ”Safe sex will still be the HPV virus doctor: vaccination can prevent-Instant News-Free Health Network


The doctor reminded that because the HPV virus can penetrate through the skin and mucous membranes causing infections, even areas not covered by condoms can be at risk of infection due to close contact. Therefore, if you want to prevent the HPV virus, it is it is recommended to get vaccinated quickly; the photo shows the situation. , the figures in the photo have nothing to do with this article. (Photo taken from freepik)

[Canale sanitario/Rapporto completo]Will the whole process of safe sex prevent HPV infection? In this regard, the doctor recalled that since the HPV virus can penetrate the skin and mucous membranes causing infections, even areas not covered by condoms can be at risk of infection from close contact, and HPV is difficult to detect in the examination. and can only be obtained by smears, so if you want to prevent the HPV virus, it is recommended that you get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect not only yourself but others as well.

Luzhou Ailin Clinic doctor Lin Zhiwei posted on the Facebook page “Doctor Wei You, Doctor Wei ~ Doctor Lin Zhiwei“The article pointed out that the human papilloma virus (HPV) not only causes cauliflower, but after several years it is more likely to develop into various cancers, such as cervical cancer, penis, anus, Oral cancer: HPV research tells us that some cancers are caused by viral infections, so the HPV vaccine is a vaccine that can be used to prevent cancer.

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The whole process of safe sex does not guarantee that you will not be infected

Lin Zhiwei said that because the HPV virus penetrates through the skin and mucous membranes to cause infections and where the condom is not covered, there may be a risk of infection due to close contact, so there is no full guarantee that safe sex does not get infected.

Lin Zhiwei pointed out that there are currently more than 170 types of HPV papillomaviruses, of which only 9 types belong to strong pathogenic strains, the most famous being types 6 and 11 that cause cauliflower and types 16 and 18 of cervical cancer. the remaining virus strains infect the human body, most of them will be successfully eliminated from the human body.

Lin Zhiwei further said that after a successful infection, the HPV virus will not immediately cause cauliflower or cancer, but will fight with the human body for six months or even a year and only 10% to 15% of the virus will be successfully infected. cause symptoms; the remaining 80%, the virus will be eliminated from the body.

The safety of the vaccine is high, the younger the injection, the better the effect

Lin Zhiwei said the HPV vaccine is currently available for boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 45. The younger the vaccine, the stronger the immune response, so the effect is better; even people who have survived cauliflower or related cancers, because there are other viral strains Threats and doubts can still be used.

Lin Zhiwei recalled that the HPV vaccine is a relatively mature technology platform, namely the subunit protein platform (such as the high-end and Novavax). Postpartum vaccination is recommended for women (pregnancy and fetal risks are currently unknown).

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