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Health: excess vitamin D could damage the kidneys – LINFO.re

A Russian nephrologist warns of the risk of excess vitamin D. According to the latter, taking too much could cause irreversible kidney damage.

Risk of suffering from “kidney damage”

Quoted by Russian media, Nadia Frolova, nephrologist in a Moscow hospital, warned against taking vitamin D too much. According to the specialist, this vitamin is nephrotoxic, and is likely to cause “kidney damage”. She explained the need to check the level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood before taking vitamin D to avoid hypercalcemia.

Thehypercalcemia is a condition characterized by an abnormal increase in the level of calcium in the plasma, which may be a warning sign of “deterioration of renal function”, also said the Russian nephrologist, reports Sputniknews.com.

“Vitamin from the sun”

Vitamin D, named “vitamin of the sun”, is one of the vitamins difficult to find in winter in the most remote areas of Russia. Its quantity in the body depends mainly on the number of sunny days of the year. As a reminder, 80% of the vitamin D intake in the body is provided by the sun’s rays against only around 20% provided by food.

>>> See our file on the kidney and the health.

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