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health and school together for a prevention project – Savonanews.it

The Association ODV Tassinari – Grassi for the fight against stroke in collaboration with the Department of Studies of Savona and with the patronage of the Asl 2 Savonese, this morning presented via the web the competition of ideas “Quick against the stroke”, aimed at secondary schools of the second degree of province of Savona.

The initiative was illustrated by health experts, capable of accompanying students on a path of active and conscious involvement on the topic, and by expert communicators who showed the guidelines of the communication project on which each participant (understood as an individual, group or class) will be able to express their creativity.

Among the participants in the presentation, conducted by Dr. Tiziana Tassinari (director of the Complex Structure with Centro Ictus del Santa Corona), also the Rai journalist Andrea Vianello, who suffered a stroke about a year ago. “Stroke is a tough word to deal with – declared the director of RaiNews24but it can be prevented and managed“.

Vianello then shared the testimony of his illness, which occurred on a Saturday morning during breakfast and preceded by a strange headache: “I could no longer find my hand despite it being attached to my body, a very strange and alienating sensation – he said – I realized that things were dramatic and I started screaming, what I was saying was no longer understood. My wife had the intelligence and the coldness to call 118, she understood that the situation was not manageable“.

Urgently transported to hospital, the reporter was immediately operated on. An intervention that saved his life but from which he woke up with some consequences: “The blood hadn’t arrived in a part of the brain for too long, so beyond a problem with the hand that I managed, the most important problem was the words: there another great game started which is rehabilitation and little by little I found the lost words“.

My tongue is slower now, but my head is stronger than before. I am alive, I do a beautiful job, I have three children whom I love, my life is still here and this only happened because the time in which there was the intervention to save me was the right one“concluded Vianello.

Among the speakers was also Dr. Brunello Brunetto, regional councilor e president of the permanent council commission for health and social security. “A praise for the initiative, especially because the dissemination of messages of early access to care thanks to early recognition in young generations is really fundamental. – commented Brunetto – we are working really hard on a synergy between health, social and school. My hope is that this initiative will be crowned with the success it deserves in planning, intention and organization because it is really a great challenge.“.

It was instead who opened the conference Sandro Clavarino, head of the school office regional territorial scope of Savona: “One of the missions of the school is to educate about health and correct lifestyles, in this context this stroke project is well rooted and developed that we want to propose to schools with the Tassinari foundation – explained Clavarino – basically it is about informing, stimulating the production of ideas, encouraging the creative involvement of students and schools in general, and then acting on the lifestyles that are at the origin of the phenomenon“.

This announcement has been very well drafted – is instead the architect’s thought Sergio Olivotti, teacher of advertising graphics and known illustrator Finale – I believe that it is an opportunity for children to become aware of this topic and therefore be informed on the subject: these are things that can happen at any time and also the children must be ready, educated to know in some way to react to these dramatic circumstances that can verify. Furthermore, I really like that young people deal with graphics of public utility because it is also an opportunity to reflect on communication and therefore refine the tools of communication, rhetoric and dialectic.“.

For children it is very important: in addition to being a means of advertising for this pathology, they are also those who can often witness a problem of this type – he stressed Luca Corti, president of the order of the Medici of Savona as well as director of the Emergency Department of Santa Corona di Pietra Ligure – that a large portion of the young population is able to recognize the symptoms and help those who have been affected is an enormous resource. The early recognition of symptoms is very important and contact 118 for immediate intervention by the doctor who will send a trained crew, who will then transport the patient to the most suitable hospital to treat that type of pathology. Act quickly, but also get the patient to the right hospital to avoid wasting time with further transfers“.

The idea of ​​involving young people in this project has multiple positive aspects: talking about such a widespread and impacting disease, on a social level, can improve attention to a healthy lifestyle, can stimulate students to deepen certain topics and to raise awareness of the importance of sending patients with suspected stroke, as quickly as possible, to the emergency room in order to reduce the damage and the possible consequences. In this regard, touching was the audio clip heard during the presentation: the phone call to 118 from a father who had alerted the emergency services for his 24-year-old daughter who had just suffered a stroke.

Returning to the competition, a jury of experts will select the projects deemed most significant and, together with a popular jury, will identify the winners.

Each of us can be an angel to some other person, it’s easy if you are careful – Dr. Tassinari commented, addressing the school children – we can all reach an attention that then allows us to do good to others“.

For information, you can directly visit the competition website (CLICK HERE)

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