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Hautes-Pyrenees. Blood collection: “we need people all year round”

The EFS (French Blood Establishment) has launched a vital emergency call for mobilization. The town hall of Tarbes hosted collection days, supervised by Doctor Gautier.

Is attendance up after Covid?

It’s hard to assess at the moment. We made an emergency donation appeal recently, and since then the collections have attracted a lot of people.

How are the stocks and what are the needs?

We have recovered from a stock perspective. We had a lot of people follow up on the call, which made it possible to start again on a completely satisfactory level of stock, but it remains very fragile.

Blood, you can’t keep it forever. We are happy when people come to see us in times of difficulty, but we need people throughout the year. Its very important.

Men can give every two months, women rather every three months, so don’t hesitate to come back.

Can you recall the importance of these collections?

Blood is used for so many things. It can help after an accident, it can help the sick, cancer patients, those with blood diseases, it’s very broad, there are a lot of people who have needs.

What is the route of the pockets after the collections?

Once collected, the pockets go to Toulouse to be prepared. Then we can make several products: we separate its components to obtain pockets of red blood cells, pockets of platelets, and also plasma, with which we can make infusions or prepare drugs for example, such as immunoglobulins, antibodies .

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