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Hairy Crabs and Bed Bugs: Exotic Species Causing Concern in the UK

hairy crab

hairy crab

An exotic species in the UK has caused concern. It has been reported that it has been “running rampant” in Cambridgeshire recently, appearing in waterways and even busy roads. They are called “Chinese Mitten Crab”, also known as hairy crabs.

British media reported that Cambridgeshire waterways have been infested with hairy crabs in recent days, including canals in Whittlesea and Nene Park in Peterborough. Some residents even saw hairy crabs crawling on a busy road in Peterborough and described the sight as “bizarre”. Some people in London also saw hairy crabs coming ashore. A dog owner said that he saw a hairy crab while walking his dog in Bushy Park in southwest London a few days ago. He said that he had only seen hairy crabs in the water before, and this was the first time. “Login”, “When I was taking my Labrador dog for a walk in the park, it stopped and sniffed something on the ground. I was surprised that it was a crab.”

Invaded Britain in 1973 and widely distributed in 2016

According to British authorities, hairy crabs invaded the Thames River in London as early as 1973 and have continued to spread since then. In 2016, they were listed as “widely distributed” alien species in the UK and are also one of the 30 alien species of concern. The authorities believe that hairy crabs have spread from eastern China and North America to the United Kingdom and other European countries by clinging to the bottom of ships. Hairy crabs often dig holes on local river banks to cause damage, prey on fish, damage nets, and affect fisheries.

Fishing species that are not legal shall not be caught alive for resale.

A spokesman for the authority said that hairy crabs do not pose a threat to humans or dogs, but people should not get too close to avoid being pinched. As for why no one in the local area catches hairy crabs for sale, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) stated that hairy crabs are not a species that can be legally sold as fish locally, and they are not allowed to be caught alive and resold for human consumption.

bed bugs

French ‘bed bug epidemic’ suspected to have invaded UK

In addition to hairy crabs, Britain is also suspected of being “invaded” by an insect recently. About half a month ago, Paris, France, experienced an alarming “bed bug infestation”. “Bed bugs” appeared repeatedly in subways, theaters, airports and Airbnb hotels, leaving people and government officials with scars on their heads and bodies. A political crisis is also emerging. Some people are worried. Impact on next year’s Paris Olympics. Bed bugs seem to have spread to the UK recently. A passenger on the Victoria Line of the London Underground was shocked to see suspected bed bugs on his pants while riding on the train, and suspected that the London Underground had been “lost”. The clip immediately recorded nearly 2 million views on TikTok and attracted the attention of many British media. It was reported that a bus in Manchester was also suspected of being infested with bed bugs, which has worried the British people. Some people believe that bed bugs were brought to the UK on the Eurostar train or in the luggage and clothing of air passengers.

Eurostar stressed that all trains will be inspected and if there is any suspicion, they will be thoroughly disinfected. London Mayor Janet Janet said that the city’s subway vehicles are cleaned and disinfected every night, and the city government is also communicating with France on bed bug prevention and control, and is confident that there will be no “bed bug wave” in London. Another pest control company said that what people photographed in the UK may not be bed bugs, but may be other insects.

The original article was published on AM730

#Spread #invasive #alien #species #concern #hairy #crabs #run #rampant
2023-10-12 20:30:45

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