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Groom married sick. He died two days later and more than 100 people are infected

More than 100 people were infected with the new coronavirus in India after participating, a few days apart, in the wedding and funeral of a young man who possibly contracted covid-19, reports the local press.

More than 400 people attended the wedding ceremony, on June 15, of a 26-year-old man who had symptoms of the disease and who died two days after the wedding, with hundreds of people attending the funeral.

“So far, 111 people, who participated in the wedding or funeral, have shown positive results. All others have been identified and have started isolation”, he told the AFP Raj Kishor Chaudhary, chief physician of Patna, the regional capital of Bihar.

The authorities established a special testing area for people who attended both events after a focus on the region was detected.

The groom’s family is being investigated. Doctors do not know whether the deceased was responsible for all the contamination, as the body was quickly cremated by family members before a diagnostic examination.

No relative of the groom, including his wife / widow, tested positive for the new coronavirus.

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