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Google Pixel Phones Get ‘Satellite SOS’ Feature for Emergency Connectivity

Google Pixel introduces new “Satellite SOS” feature for emergency connectivity

Satellite connectivity for smartphones has proven valuable on Apple’s iPhone, and now Google Pixel is set to introduce a similar feature with its new “Satellite SOS” function. While still in the development stage, this exciting feature will enable Pixel users to access emergency services and share their location even in areas with no mobile or Wi-Fi network coverage.

Discovering the “Satellite SOS” feature on Google Pixel phones

Users of Google Pixel phones can find “Satellite SOS” in the Settings> Safety & Emergency menu. Although the feature currently does not serve any purpose when tapped, it is expected to be activated with a future update. When fully implemented, it will hold a wide range of emergency-related capabilities.

Exploring the capabilities of “Satellite SOS”

Google Pixel’s “Satellite SOS” feature will allow users to contact emergency services by phone or text. It will enable users to share their location using Google Maps and provide essential information about their emergency situation. It is currently unclear if the feature will support contact with non-emergency contacts, but Google plans to share the user’s name, phone number, and contact details for up to three emergency contacts with emergency services and satellite service providers.

The sharing of information is explained on the “Satellite SOS” page, emphasizing that when using satellite connectivity, details such as the user’s name, email, phone number, location, device information, and emergency information will be shared with emergency services and satellite service providers.

What to expect in the future

Google Pixel’s “Satellite SOS” page currently directs users to a support page for information on which countries will be supported by the feature. Additionally, the page includes a link to a Garmin Search and Rescue Insurance plan, hinting at a potential partnership with Garmin for satellite connectivity services.

Demonstration options for the “Satellite SOS” feature, such as “Try a demo” and “Test real mode,” are not currently active. However, with the wide appearance of the “Satellite SOS” setting on Pixel devices, it appears that the launch of this highly anticipated feature is not too far away.

More on Google Pixel

The Google Pixel line of smartphones continues to introduce innovative features and improvements with each new release. Stay updated on the latest news and developments at Google Pixel through our coverage.

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