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“Good luck to all who have accompanied me on this journey!” Christer Aparjod after the historic victory in Sochi

Kristers Aparjods is still improving his results after a serious injury and in Sochi he achieved a historic success for himself and Latvia - a victory in the World Cup stage.

Kristers Aparjods is still improving his results after a serious injury and in Sochi he achieved a historic success for himself and Latvia – a victory in the World Cup stage.

Photo: Mareks Galinovskis / FIL

Ilmārs Stūriška, “Latvijas Avīze”, JSC “Latvijas Mediji”

Two victories and a total of four medals – Latvian sled athletes in the third stage of the World Cup in Sochi continued to delight. Kristers Aparjods brought Latvia the first gold in the men’s individual competition.

“I would like to congratulate everyone who has accompanied me on this journey – coaches, parents and grandfather, who passed away this year. He was a big fan of mine and would definitely be proud of that success, ”said Christopher Aparjods, who showed the second fastest time in both races, and was enough to overtake the second-place German Johannes Ludwig and 0.039 Italian, who finished second in a total of 0.024 seconds. Dominic Fishnaller.

The twenty-three-year-old Latvian rider, who missed almost the entire previous season due to injury, has shown ever better results with each stage – 23rd place in China, fifth place in the first stage of Sochi and victory in the second stage.


Both the rides and the equipment at the beginning of the Olympic season are at a very high level. The coach of the Latvian national team Mārtiņš Rubenis had never climbed to the top at the world level, he was in second place.

Krister’s sister Candy also climbed to the podium in Sochi, winning third place and the same position in the crew fight for Andris and Juris Šits, extending his podium series to eight races in the World Cup. The ninth brothers swam in the sprint cup, which was the best, celebrating their fifth career victory (excluding the relay).

Shici retains the overall leader’s shirt with 340 points, followed by Toni Egert and Sas Beneken (291). Candy Aparjode finished fourth in the sprint, but is third overall. Kristers is sixth in the season.

The good results in Sochi have been facilitated by the fact that the Latvian national team has been training on this track for several years, but the great tendencies of the leaders are gratifying. Even in the sections in Sigulda, the bar is not built so high. All teams have now been transported by charter to Altenberg, Germany, where the fourth stage of the World Cup will take place this week.


After the release of the season, the World Cup started last weekend with young people and juniors. The first two stages took place on the Lapland track in France, with Latvians climbing the podium ten times, four of them victories.

In the junior competition, the two Eduards Ševics-Mikelševics / Lukas Krasts won the first and second place, but the young women were successful for Selīna Zvilne and twice for the crew Marta Robežniece / Agnija Bogdanova.


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