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Gocho audio and video Monday July 12, 2021

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Written summary of the audio of the Gocho of Monday, July 12, 2021

Transcription (summary) of the audio of the Gocho

The protests in Cuba continue and with them the abuses.

The people of Cuba only wanted democracy, jobs, progress and peace when they supported the snake charmer like the dead bearded man and his drunken brother and what they received was more than 62 years of abuse, robbery, run over.

The protests have occurred in more than 25 towns on the island. The cry is freedom and life sending to the sewer the balurd communist song of “homeland, socialism or death, we will win.” Eat toche.

That tired people took to the streets never to return.

It is necessary to hope that they do not tire and that the proposal be followed and continued, an insurrectionary general strike that is not saved until the regime falls.

It seems that the sanctions that Trump recovered and tightened, after the Chicago painting had softened them, are working.

With the generalized mamazón, until the policemen and the soldiers must add themselves.

That is why the penalties for local red rats are effective and should not be lifted. And every Venezuelan subject who asks to lift the sanctions against those of the Chavista government instead of intensifying them, is a pimp of the international communist farce and drug trafficker with the support of some media.

The bandits with the water up to their ankles what they do is negotiate. Only when they have the water in their noses do they put the batteries to find a solution.

Cuban predators swallowed the goose that laid the golden eggs that was Venezuela. Venezuela falls and by gravity they fall. That outburst was at the door.

That is why the pressure of sanctions in Venezuela must intensify.

People in Cuba say “Down with the dictatorship, we want freedom” and the news from the left say that the protests are due to lack of vaccines. What a pimp manga!

The Vatican is quiet, the OAS, the European Union, everyone is quiet.

Only the White House, President Biden issued a statement that says “We support the Cuban people in their cry for freedom.”

And the reptilian response is to declare war on the Cuban people who complain about the dictatorship. But the big digital media don’t censor it. How far can the complicity of the media with the left go?

Communism is the past. What must come is freedom, employment, production.

The claim of the Cuban people must be heard and what they ask for is none other than the fall of the communist regime.

In Venezuela, it is time for everyone who wants to rule to say how they will create jobs and pay pensions. There is pure rhetoric of elections but nobody is clear how the jobs will be generated.

People who leave Venezuela do so after losing hope. And those who want to rule do not show the light in the tunnel because they do not speak of a plan.

In 2006 I wrote two documents with the oracle regarding our reality:

A vision of the country and the reason for the oil business and two solutions.

My opinion on job creation in 2006: we must continue to seek full employment in Venezuela. Our close history tells us that the human marginalization of our main capitals is due to the excessive effort that was made in the development of their infrastructure and their internal roads, forgetting to develop efficient and safe communications between all of them.

The result is that our main cities were practically isolated.

We want to see the size of every city or town that are not state capitals doubled and for that we must start by updating the country’s road infrastructure to double its capacity, and the employment that such activity will generate, reactivate productive capacity and refocus housing needs away from state capitals.

This will work as long as the rule of law is respected and the labor law is changed so that, among other things, wages are paid by the hour and those who do not work, leave.

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