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Glucose meters and sensors for type 2 diabetes – part 3

In this third part on blood glucose meters and glucose sensors, the use of continuous glucose monitoring and ‘flash’ glucose monitoring in diabetes mellitus type 2 is discussed.

Are continuous glucose monitoring and flash glucose monitoring effective for glycemic control in type 2 diabetes with insulin use? Is there also a place for these techniques in type 2 diabetes without insulin use?

Effectiveness of monitoring with blood glucose meters, continuous glucose measurements and ‘flash’ glucose measurements

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• The number of randomized studies into the effectiveness of continuous glucose measurement and ‘flash’ glucose measurement compared to conventional measurement with blood glucose meters in type 2 diabetes is very limited. Most studies have been done in patients with type 2 diabetes who use insulin.

• In a recent meta-analysis of eleven randomized trials comparing continuous and flash glucose monitoring in type 2 diabetes with conventional self-glucose monitoring, a small statistically significant improvement in HbA1c and time within required glucose levels was found.

• For type 2 diabetes patients on insulin, continuous glucose monitoring and flash glucose monitoring appear to be an effective tool for glycemic control.

• When choosing continuous glucose measurement and flash glucose measurement, factors such as costs, frequency of blood samples for glucose determination and greater ease of use play an important role.

• For type 2 diabetes patients without insulin, the benefits of continuous glucose monitoring and flash glucose monitoring for glycemic control have not been demonstrated.

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Author: Medicines Bulletin

The Medicines Bulletin aims to promote rational pharmacotherapy. To this end, it provides independent and objective information about medicines to all who prescribe, supply or use them. The most important activity concerns the periodic publication of the Medicines Bulletin. The content is created in consultation with experts in the field.

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