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Given the rise in cases, they call to donate plasma

The Institute of Hemotherapy of the province of Buenos Aires “Dra. Nora Etchenique ”called on the patients recovered from coronavirus to approach the more than 100 hospitals located in the Buenos Aires territory to donate their plasma, given the increase in infections, reported the Buenos Aires Ministry of Health.

“This summer, anticipate the wave. There are still many people who need it. If you recovered from coronavirus, donate plasma 0800-222-0101 “, reads the flyer published by the health portfolio.

Although the provincial body indicated that so far all plasma transfusion demands have been guaranteed, “the call for solidarity is reinforced in the face of the increase in positive cases that were reported in recent weeks.”

The president of Cucaiba, who is also in charge of the firm and the office of the Institute of Hemotherapy, Francisco Leone, pointed out that “the summer season always presents us with a drop in everything regarding donations.”

The essential requirements to donate plasma in addition to having overcome COVID-19 are to be between 18 and 65 years old, weigh more than 50 kilos, feel good at the time of donating and have passed at least 28 days without symptoms of coronavirus or having received the High medical.

Those recovered interested in donating their plasma, after carrying out an analysis to determine the presence of antibodies, can call 0800-222 0101 every day, 24 hours a day.

Argentine study stand out

On the other hand, yesterday the foreign press highlighted that a study carried out by the Argentine Infant Foundation reveals that the use of blood plasma from recovered patients is effective in people over 65 years of age with COVID-19, since it reduces by 60% the possibility of they need oxygen and turns the disease into “a bad cold.”

The research, carried out on 160 adults over 65 with at least one comorbidity and over 75 in general, highlights that plasma “is effective in preventing COVID-19 from becoming a serious respiratory disease, provided it is administered within the first 72 hours of the appearance of symptoms ”.

“Plasma is just a vehicle that carries antibodies. 28% of people have, according to our study, the amount of antibodies necessary to donate plasma for this treatment. By restricting donors to those with higher concentrations of antibodies, it is possible to improve the plasma yield even more ”, highlighted the director of the foundation, Dr. Fernando Polack, in statements included in the report.

The design of this study was randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled, meaning that half of the patients randomly received high-titer plasma and the remaining half placebo (saline solution), without doctors or participants knowing what substance was administered to each individual.

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