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Vincenzo De Luca Mocks Don Patriciello in Controversial Video: Meloni Reacts

Naples, 11 May 2024 – He called it “Pippo Baudo in the northern area of ​​Naples”. The nickname with which Vincenzo de Luca he renamed the anti-Camorra priest yesterday Don Patriciello it did not go unnoticed: it was indigestible to the prelate, it made him a bit nervous Giorgia Meloni. “She’s joking, it’s a scary sign,” the prime minister thundered today. How did things go?

Vincenzo De Luca mocks Don Patriciello in a video: “The Pippo Baudo of Naples North”. Meloni is angry

In the usual way now Facebook live yesterday the president of Campania (Pd) mentioned it conference until the first published, hosted by the Chamber of Deputies on May 8, which Meloni concluded with a long speech. People from civil society were invited to the debate. There were actors, sports singers and also, of course, pfather of Maurizio Patricielloparish priest of San Paolo Apostolo in Caivano, a land where crime and the underworld thrive in good times and bad.

What De Luca said

“Meloni presented her project institutional reform of the first published and that was also a real feeling, at least for me – De Luca comments with the usual irony – It was a moment of feeling to see Meloni presenting his project to famous constitutionalists, among whom I noticed in particular Iva Zanicchi, The abundance“. Then he brings up the priest. “We also had a priest from the area, who is called Pippo Baudo from the northern area of ​​Napleswith relatives bang. These are truly unmissable moments.”

De Luca’s video went viral, even among parliamentarians’ cell phones. Those who raised the political issue were those of Brothers of Italy. “He’s raiding, he’s raiding – accuses the senator Antonio John, Regional Commissioner of Fratelli d’Italia in Campania -. Attacking a man of faith, who has always been on the front line in the fight against the Camorra, shows the political, cultural and ethical weakness of the ruler.” His colleague referring to it Sergio Rastrellisecretary of the Justice Commission: “It is impossible for a representative of the institutions to submit similar statements.” Also last night another FdI senator heard himself, Domenico Matera. “De Luca’s statements are still in danger of representing favoritism to the Camorra, which gained the upper hand as a result of its isolation or its will. I want the disapproval of De Luca’s words to be unanimous and general.”

Meloni Loop: “Scary Society”

Today he moved directly Giorgia Meloni, with a post on her social accounts “Pippo Baudo from the northern region of Naples – writes the prime minister, attaching a picture of her with the priest, hands in hands -. So, mocking him, president The Campania region explains Don Maurizio Patriciello, a priest, a man who tries to fight the Camorra and gives answers to respectable families where people like De Luca were not able to do so, or were not to do so”. Meloni recalled that “Maurizio’s father lives under guard, because he has become a target of the Camorra who do not like how strong he is to keep young people away from drugs and crime. Instead of helping Father Maurizio, making him feel the support of the institutions, De Luca mocks him, and in doing so gives… an alarming sign“.

Reply to Don Patriciello

Yesterday afternoon Don Patriciello it was said “sad” for De Luca’s irony. “I won’t allow myself to answer you in kindness – I wouldn’t be able to and I don’t think I have the right – he answers on Facebook -. What would be the use? Wounds must be calm, not caused. However, I think, with a full conscience, that I do not deserve insults completely free from the president of my area.”

“I have long been used to insults and threats, covert or otherwise,” he continues. It is no coincidence that I have been living under guard for two years. It’s one thing, however, when they come from the Camorra, quite another thing, however, when someone like her stabs you treacherously.”

2024-05-11 08:21:26

#Don #Patriciello #Pippo #Baudo #North #Naples #Luca #mocks #priest #Caivano #angering #Meloni

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