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Gironde: one of the most wanted cyber-pedocriminals in the world tried at the assizes – France Bleu

Roadman in Entre-Deux-Mers, and cyber-pedocriminal, one of the ten most wanted “targets” in the world in 2020. This is the double face of this 43-year-old man, father of a family living in Frontenac, arrested in July 2020, tried for three days, until Friday December 1 before the Gironde Assize Court, for “detention”, “recording” and “dissemination of pornographic images”, “incestuous rape” and “incestuous sexual assault ” on his two daughters, since their birth in 2012 and 2015, and now aged eight and eleven. The accused, in pre-trial detention at the Gradignan remand center, faces 20 years of criminal imprisonment.

Two faces

The trial must take place behind closed doors at the request of the mother of her three children (two girls and a boy). “In a state of astonishment” when he was arrested three years ago, because “she didn’t suspect anything, she didn’t suspect anything” says his lawyer, Master Legigan. She “tries to put on a good face today but feels guilty because she didn’t see”. It’s hard to imagine the unimaginable according to him, “in view of the father’s personality”. Roadman by day, in three villages in Entre-Deux-Mers, with no computer skills, apparently, not speaking English either, while at night he administers several child criminal sites on the darknet. A father, above all suspicion. Who in 2017 shared photos and videos of his own daughters aged 2 and 5 at the time. The eldest (eleven years old today) never said anything, traumatized and silent even today. “It’s something that she keeps to herself. She cannot communicate about these tragic events even if it has been explained to her that what she suffered is totally abnormal”. Her mother now fears confrontation with her ex-husband, but wants to understand. “Without any spirit of revenge” assures his lawyer.

Identified despite precautions taken

It’s because he makes a mistake, an imprudence, three years ago, that the police traced his IP address in Gironde and identified him, hidden behind the pseudonym “Kali”. Investigators discovered at his home, in his Frontenac pavilion in particular, 60,000 photos and videos on the hard drive of his laptop. He then confides that he started visiting child pornography sites on the darknet in 2014, “to dialogue with pedophiles and understand how they got there, before falling into the trap”. During the investigation, he also said that he himself had been raped by an uncle or a family friend when he was 5 or 6 years old, and that he had witnessed sexual assaults perpetrated by his father on his sister. . What she confirmed to investigators.

“Send a strong signal to those who think they are safe behind their screen”

Three associations have become civil parties in this lawsuit. The hearing must be exemplary, to show that there is no no impunity, according to Maître Daoud, the lawyer for the NGO Ecpat de France which fights against the sexual exploitation of children. It’s about “to send a strong and powerful signal to all those who think that behind the screen of a computer and under pseudonyms and aliases, we can be protected from criminal prosecution”.

2023-11-28 23:13:55
#Gironde #wanted #cyberpedocriminals #world #assizes #France #Bleu

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