Home » today » Technology » Girl just like that delete me on Snapchat? (Love and relationship, friendship)

Girl just like that delete me on Snapchat? (Love and relationship, friendship)

Hello people, short situation, someone deleted something on Snapchat because I was angry, but this hadn’t deleted me and could still see my snaps because I’m public, now whenever I went to his profile, it said “accept friend” he had not deleted me after a week I looked again and could no longer find the person in search but only in Friends Adden, I also found him in Friends Adden but suddenly there was no longer “accept friend” but “add” That would mean that he also deleted me? Now here’s the question, when I added him again, I could see his score as if we were still friends in Snapchat, also his score, zodiac and everything, including the chat. Does that mean that if I delete someone on snap and he has not deleted me, that it will be automatically deleted by him after a week, so Snapchat algorithms delete me, so to speak, if I have deleted him but he doesn’t?

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