Home » today » World » Germany Leases Drones to Israel for Counter-Attacks on Hamas, says Defense Source – CNN Indonesia

Germany Leases Drones to Israel for Counter-Attacks on Hamas, says Defense Source – CNN Indonesia

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

German gave the green light to Israel to use two Heron TP combat drones in counter-attacks on militias Palestine, Hamas.

One anonymous source from the defense department told Reuters that Germany has leased five Heron TP drones from Israeli arms manufacturer IAI ISRAI.UL.



Two of them are still deployed in Israel to train German drone pilots.

These two drones are likely to be permitted by Germany for Israel to use.

This defense source’s statement confirms the magazine’s report Spiegel who said German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius on Wednesday (11/10) agreed to Israel’s request to use drones.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

Spiegel also reported that 16 German drone pilots who were being trained in Israel returned home after Hamas attacked.

So far, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Defense in Berlin admitted that he could not comment on the report Spiegel.

Meanwhile, apart from drones, the German defense source also told Reuters that Israel is trying to request bulletproof jackets, medical equipment, and medicine for injured people.

Israel is at war with Hamas after the faction stormed cities in Israel in unexpected attacks from various sides, Saturday (7/10).

Hamas claims the attack with the name Operation Al Aqsa Storm was to end the last occupation of the earth. The attack was also called retaliation for Israel’s provocative actions at Jerusalem’s holy sites and against detained Palestinians.

Israeli troops did not remain silent and responded to Hamas’ attacks by launching Operation Iron Sword. This operation targets Hamas infrastructure in the Gaza Strip.

Thousands of people were reported to have died as a result of the war which is still ongoing today.

As of Wednesday (11/10), the Israeli military recorded 1,200 Israeli deaths and 2,700 injured as a result of the war. Meanwhile, the Gaza Ministry of Health reported that 1,100 Palestinians were killed and 5,339 others were injured.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

2023-10-12 16:15:00
#Germany #Israel #Heron #Drones #Attack #Hamas

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