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Games of the Islands: More than 500 accredited journalists

MBC of Mauritius provides management in Mahamasina

The kick-off of the 11th Indian Ocean Island Games will be launched in two days. The first delegations arrived in the country. The Heads of Missions all met yesterday at the COJI headquarters in Mahamasina. As announced, more than 4200 people from the 7 participating islands will be present in Antananarivo from August 25 to September 3. Like all major international games, this 11e edition of the Games of the Islands manages to mobilize more than 500 people from the media. Many journalists from Reunion, Mauritius, Seychelles and Mayotte are already in the capital preparing the control room for the live broadcast of the games through the Indian Ocean Radio and Television Association (ARTOI). The sports journalists of the sister islands are also beginning to report the echoes of the games, in particular the latest works of construction of the infrastructures, the preparation of the opening ceremony. The Big Island is eagerly awaited by the press and the media of the Indian Ocean islands where they will not only be content to report the results on the ground but also from all the scenery and everything behind the curtain. .


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